The 2019 Nashman Faculty Learning Communities (FLC) are forming now. These small inter-disciplinary/inter-professional groups meet monthly for one year to discuss and learn collectively about their topic of interest. All GW faculty and administrators are welcome. Click here for information about other FLC's forming for 2019.
Chair: Leslie Jacobson (Theatre)
We would like to invite Faculty from across all disciplines and programs to join a Faculty Learning Community that will explore the many ways we might collaborate and engage with each other to build a vibrant multi-disciplinary arts community within GW, and to discern how to engage meaningfully with communities beyond the university.
Of particular interest will be the differentiation between “community outreach” and “community engagement.” What does engagement look like in arts scholarship and practice? How can we engage with our partners in ways that honor the goals of reciprocity, mutually beneficial partnerships, and epistemic justice?
Collectively, this group will identify and discuss relevant texts and examples of community-engaged arts. Members will share their successes, challenges, paths, and barriers.
The purpose of this FLC is to:
- build a sense of community among the community-engaged faculty across GW’s arts disciplines;
- stimulate challenging conversations about what quality community engagement looks like across the arts; and
- create a final deliverable, defined by the group, that helps to pave the way for more high quality community-engaged scholarship and practice in GW’s arts programs.
The FLC will convene monthly through December 2019 and will involve moderate preparation for our meetings.
To indicate your interest in this group, please email Wendy Wagner (