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Apply for Nashman Course Designation: Deadline August 6th

Help Students Find Community-Engaged Scholarship Courses!

The GW Registrar will now tag community-engaged scholarship courses to help students find these opportunities. If you currently teach a community-engaged scholarship course or would like more information on the process, please click following link and then submit the form via email to FORM LINK

We encourage applications from courses across all subjects and all GW schools at undergraduate and graduate levels and can help you get started.

The Nashman Center supports:

  • Forming community partnerships
  • Community-Based Paticipatory Research (CBPR)
  • Applying for project funding
  • (Re)designing curriculum
  • Developing assignments
  • Planning logistics
  • Managing risk and liability
  • Training faculty and GTAs
  • Publicizing the course/program in the Schedule of Classes and through advisors

During and after course semester:

  • Orienting students to service-learning
  • Supporting students and community partners
  • Assessing and sharing outcomes and impact

For more information on community engaged scholarship click here:

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