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Julian Clement Chase Prize Winner to Present Her Research

Victoria Rowe, the winner of the 2017 Julian Clement Chase Prize, will be presenting on her work on October 19th at 4pm, in the GW Museum/Textile Museum, as part of the keynote event at the University Writing Program’s Fall 2017 Research and Writing Conference. We encourage you to attend and learn more about her community-engaged research work.

The Julian Clement Chase Prize annually recognizes exceptional research writing focused on the District of Columbia. Please consider how your course assignments might support scholarship that is competitive for the prize. For more information, please contact Dr. Phyllis Ryer,

Ms. Rowe's research, "Seek First to Understand: Exploring the Implementation of Cultural Relevant Education in the District of Columbia" was completed as an Honors Thesis in the Human Services and Social Justice program. For this study, Rowe reviewed the literature on the positive effects of culturally relevant education practices and interviewed DCPS teachers to discover whether they use this approach and whether the DCPS professional development programs have helped them to do so.

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