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Latest Issue of the Michigan Journal for Community Service-Learning Available

The fall 2016 issue of the Michigan Journal for Community Service-Learning has been released. With this issue, the Michigan Journal is now open access (there will be no longer be a 12-month embargo period for the latest issue) and is only available digitally. You can find current articles (and browse past issues/articles) at the Journal's new Website:

The Michigan Journal publishes some of the best research on service-learning and engaged scholarship. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to view the latest issue online.

Sample titles from this issue:

Cultivating Practitioners of Democratic Civic Engagement (Keith)

The Counter-Normative Effects of Service-Learning: Fostering Attitudes toward Social Equality through Contact and Autonomy (Brown, Wymer, & Cooper)

Learning From and With Community Organizations to Navigate the Tensions of Democratic Engagement (Whitney, Muse, Harrison, Edwards, and Clayton)

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