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2016 Loyola Faculty Fellows Seminar Invitation

To All full-time Faculty at Maryland-DC Campus Compact member institutions,

The Office of Service-Learning at Loyola University Maryland invites full-time faculty from Maryland Campus Compact member institutions to participate as Guest Fellows in its 2016 Faculty Fellows Seminar on Service-Learning and Engaged Scholarship. Initially, we have space for five Guest Fellows this year.

Seminar dates: May 16-19th and August 30th.

Three of the May dates (Mon., Tues., Thurs.) are half days (9 am to 12 noon)…with the exception of Thursday, which ends with a luncheon from 12:30-1:30. Breakfast is provided on these days.

On May 18th and Aug. 20th, we meet from 9 am to 3 pm. Breakfast and lunch are provided.

Participants must be able to attend all sessions of the seminar.

There is a nominal fee of $300 to cover food and resources for the seminar.

In addition, Guest Fellows are expected to arrange for their own accommodations and travel and cover those costs.

Please see the attached invitation for details and the registration form.
Guest Fellow spaces fill up quickly. If you are interested, please complete the accompanying registration as soon as possible and email a signed, scanned version of it to Robin Crews (email:

Applications will be accepted in the order in which they are received.

For more information, please contact Robin Crews. [(410) 617-2112] []



The Faculty Fellows Seminar is an opportunity to learn about service-learning pedagogy and integrate it into an appropriate course in the company of friends and colleagues from a number of departments (and institutions). It is also an opportunity to learn about other types of engaged scholarship in addition to service-learning.

Faculty Fellows:

  • investigate the theories and models of learning behind service-learning;
  • discover how others have successfully integrated service-learning into their own disciplines and courses at Loyola and at colleges and universities nationally and internationally;
  • explore syllabi and principles of good practice by prominent leaders in their fields and academe;
  • provide and receive feedback on course development in interactive small groups
  • engage in a comprehensive look at structured reflection and its role in integrating diverse forms of learning;
  • meet community partners and explore reciprocal partnerships;
  • inquire into methodologies of assessment and evaluation;
  • review the ‘nuts and bolts’ of teaching service-learning courses at Loyola;
  • learn about various forms of engaged scholarship in addition to service-learning; and
  • integrate service-learning into one of their courses so that they comply with Loyola’s service-learning definition and course criteria for best practices (i.e., for successful designation as service-learning courses following the seminar).

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