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GW Nanotechnology Fellows Program Application Guidelines

Program Overview
Supported by the National Science Foundation's Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education program, the GW Nanotechnology Fellows Program provides undergraduates with unique exposure to nanotechnology and hands-on experience in the new Science & Engineering Hall nanotechnology facility. The program will provide students with excellent exposure to cutting edge technology, unique hands-on training, preparation for undergraduate research, future career and job prospects, and opportunities to engage with the broader DC community.

Important Dates
Relevant program dates for the 2016-7 academic year are TBD.

Application Requirements & Components

The fellows program is open to GW freshmen, sophomores, and juniors from any major. Enrollment in the spring semester course “Nanotechnology Devices & Systems: How They Are Made, Measured, and Monetized” is a requirement for acceptance into the fellows program. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and must be in good academic standing. The required application components are listed below:
 Resume
 Written statement no longer than 1 page (12 point font, single spaced, 1 inch margins)
 Peer recommendation letter
 GW faculty/staff recommendation letter

Applicants should use the components to demonstrate the following:
 Why the applicant wants to be a part of the fellows program and what he/she will contribute to the program.
 Commitment to advancing science and engineering by being engaged in nanotechnology, contributing to the program community, and teaching/mentoring.
 Potential for success in the mentorship, training, and communication components of the fellows program.
 Enthusiasm for science/engineering.
 Participation in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, particularly in engineering, science, math, and technology activities.
 Peer leadership and capacity to contribute to a diverse fellows program.

Submission Instructions
Application materials should be submitted by email to
Applicants should submit the resume and written statement as a single pdf with the file name format: LastName_FirstName_NanoFellowsApp.pdf (Example: Washington_George_NanoFellowsApp.pdf) Contact Updates and announcements will be posted on the program web site:
Any questions not addressed by the web site should be directed to Prof. Saniya LeBlanc by email (