A Primer on Biden’s 30 by 30 Plan

By Johanna Adashek

What is Biden’s 30 by 30 plan?

The plan originated from Executive Order 14008 “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad,” published on January 27, 2021. Sections 216 of the Executive Order tasked various government agencies with the goal of conserving 30% of U.S. land and waters by 2030, hence the short reference: “30 by 30.” The Executive Order itself did not create detailed directives for achieving this goal, instead, it initiated processes for stakeholder participation, measuring progress, and creating future strategies. While the progress of steps taken to date is hard to measure, this is the first conservation goal that the federal government has ever set. Approximately 12% of land, 11% of freshwater, and 26% of ocean waters in the U.S. has some level of protection to date. This blog post (1) examines why protecting and conserving lands and waters is so vital; (2) identifies steps taken to achieve the 30 by 30 goal thus far; and (3) considers potential future measures that can be taken to reach the 30 by 30 goal.

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