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If you are my current student, our class webpage (which should include all important documents, problem sets, gradebook, etc.) is on Blackboard. You are always welcome at my office hours; or send me an e-mail to set up a one-on-one meeting.
Previously, I have taught a variety of classes at a number of different institutions:

  • At GW:
    • Math 1231 (Calculus 1): F2017, S2018, F2019, F2020 (online)
    • Math 2185 (Linear algebra 1: the good version): F2018, F2019, F2020 (online), S2021 (online), F2022, F2024
    • Math 2233 (Multivariable calculus): F2018, S2020, F2021, S2022, F2022
    • Math 2971W (Intro to mathematical reasoning): F2024, S2025
    • Math 3632 (Undergraduate graph theory): S2018, S2025
    • Math 6610 (Combinatorics): S2021 (online), S2023
    • Math 6620 (Graduate graph theory): F2021
    • Math 6630 (Topics in combinatorics): S2020, S2022
  • At UMN:
    • Math 1572H (Honors calculus 2): F2012, F2013
    • Math 2573/4H (Honors calculus 3 and 4): F2016, S2017
    • Math 4707 (Introduction to combinatorics): F2014, S2015
    • UMTYMP Advanced Topics (enumerative combinatorics): F2012, F2013
  • At MIT, as instructor:
    • 18.089 (Review of mathematics): Sum2009, Sum2010
  • At MIT, as recitation leader:
    • 18.01 (Single variable calculus): S2009, F2011
    • 18.02 (Multivariable calculus): F2010
    • 18.100C (Real analysis with communication): F2008, F2009, S2010
    • 18.821 (Project lab in mathematics): S2011
  • Other assorted teaching:
    • The Math Circle (the one run by Robert and Ellen Kaplan): S2011
    • MIT OCW Scholar 18.01 and 18.02
    • CCNY Summer Scholars Academy: Sum2002–2005

In Fall 2020, inspired by this blog post by Harry Brighouse, I hired a student to coach my teaching, as described in the Chronicle. This was a positive experience, and I'd recommend it to others!