Speaker: Greta Panova, USC
Date and time: Tuesday 10/29, 10:30am
Place: Phillips 730
Abstract: Pipe dreams are tiling models originally introduced to study objects related to the Schubert calculus and K-theory of the Grassmannian. They can also be viewed as ensembles of lattice walks with various interaction constraints. In our quest to understand what the maximal and typical algebraic objects look like, we revealed some interesting permutons. The proofs use the theory of the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP). Deeper connections with free fermion 6 vertex models and domino tilings of the Aztec diamond allow us to describe the extreme cases of the original algebraic problem.
This is based on joint work with A. H. Morales, L. Petrov, D. Yeliussizov.