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Combinatorics & algebra seminar 2024-2025

Spring 2025

The seminar will be sporadic this semester. Here's what's planned:

Date Speaker Institution Title
Friday, 3/28 Qëndrim Gashi  U. Prishtina / UMD Exploring Interactions between Finite Geometries and Representation Theory

Fall 2024

Unless otherwise noted, the seminar will meet from 10:30 to 11:30 on Tuesdays in Phillips 730.

Date Speaker Institution Title
9/17 Kassie Archer  USNA Pattern avoidance in permutations and their cycles
10/1 Lou Shapiro Howard Easy applications of the Riordan group
F 10/11–Sat 10/12 MAAGC Workshop (see website for details)
10/15 Garrett Johnson  NCCU  Automorphisms of quantum Schubert cell algebras
10/29 Greta Panova USC Algebra meets probability: permutons from pipe dreams via TASEP
11/12 Luis Ferroni  IAS When are Tutte polynomials valuatively universal for matroids?

The seminar is co-organized by Joe Bonin, Joel Lewis, and Robert Won. For titles and abstracts from past seminars, see the combinatorics seminar archive.