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Combinatorics & algebra seminar 2023-2024

The seminar will be held at best occasionally this year while I am on sabbatical. The list of schedule talks is below.

Date & Location Speaker Institution Title
Wednesday 4/3, 4–5pm, Rome 205 Daniele Rosso Indiana University Northwest Grothendieck rings of towers of generalized Weyl algebras
Friday 4/5, 4–5pm, Rome 771 Mike Joseph Dalton State The Lalanne–Kreweras Involution, Rowmotion, and Birational Liftings
Monday 7/15, 11am–noon, Phillips 730 Apoorva Khare Indian Institute of Science Blowup-polynomials of graphs

In addition, there was a AMS Sectional Meeting at Howard University on April 6–7 2024, with several excellent combinatorial and algebraic sessions.

The seminar is co-organized by Joe Bonin, Joel Lewis, and Robert Won. For titles and abstracts from past seminars, see the combinatorics seminar archive.