Speaker: Dan Cranston, VCU
Date and time: Friday, August 30, 4–5pm
Place: Rome 771
Abstract: A graph is near-bipartite if we can partition
is an independent set and
induces a forest. Similar to the problem of 3-coloring, deciding whether a graph is near-bipartite is NP-hard. Thus, we seek sufficient conditions. We show that a multigraph
is near-bipartite if
for every
, and
contains no
and no Moser spindle. We show that a simple graph
is near-bipartite if
for every
contains no subgraph in some finite family (each member of which is not near-bipartite). Each result is very sharp. Namely, if we weaken the lower bound in either hypothesis by 1, then the resulting statement is false infinitely often.
Both results are proved using the potential method, a powerful technique for coloring sparse graphs. As a consequence, both theorems lead to polynomial-time algorithms to find the desired partition. This is joint work with Matthew Yancey.