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I am an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at George Washington University. I received my Ph.D. at MIT in 2012 under the guidance of Alex Postnikov and worked for several years as a post-doc in the combinatorics group at the University of Minnesota before coming to GW in 2017. My Erdős number (see also) is at most 3.

The image at left was taken by Tom Roby at MIT's D.W. Weeks (Women in Math) seminar.

Contact Info

jblewis if-you're-not-a-computer-you-know-what-goes-here

Phillips Hall, Room 707
801 22nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052 USA

Office phone:
(202) 994-0334


I'm interested in combinatorics, especially enumerative and algebraic. Much of my recent work involves the combinatorics of permutations, reflection groups, and GLn(Fq)-analogues. List of my papers, collaborators, and papers by my students are available here.


I am on sabbatical in 2023–4.
A list of my past teaching is available here.

Office Hours

In the 2023–4 school year, my office hours are by appointment only. Please send me an e-mail if you would like to meet.


I co-organize the GWU combinatorics & algebra seminar with Joe Bonin and Robert Won.