Showcasing American Culture

Delivering the message of diversity and inclusion

For our final PDx podcast for the season, we take a look at how the U.S. takes urban dance culture to other communities around the world. SMPA graduate student Victoria Makanjuola talks to Junious Brickhouse about cultural diplomacy and the challenges of sharing about representation, diversity, and inclusion – which is still a work-in-progress in the United States.

Junious Brickhouse is an internationally established, award-winning urban dance educator, choreographer, community leader, and cultural preservationist with over 20 years of experience in the field of expression and dance.

As the director of Next Level – an initiative of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by Meridian International Center and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Junious is responsible for leading programs which bring people together in programs that encourages greater understanding through music.

Next Level has programs where teams of MCs, DJs, hip hop dancers, beatmakers, beatboxers, and artists conduct public concerts, interactive performances with local (foreign) musicians, lecture demonstrations, workshops, and jam sessions with diverse audiences.

He is also the founder and executive director of Urban Artistry (link to Urban Artistry:, non-profit organization dedicated to the performance and preservation of art forms inspired by the urban experience in Silver Spring, Md.

Please enjoy our last podcast for the season and have a fantastic summer! Click Here for the podcast.

Head pic of graduate student Victoria Makanjuola

Victoria recently launched her own podcast, Feel Your Feelingz – for Generation Z- made by a Gen Z’er! Its purpose is to enlighten, educate, and express to the world how Victoria’s generation is coping with mental health issues.

She talks to guests about 2020, COVID-19, stress and anxiety, race, education, and more! It’s not just talk as Victoria and her guests also try to offer listeners some solutions. This podcast was created to reinforce the fact that the voice of Gen Z matters. Join Victoria to FEEL YOUR FEELINGZ together!

Click Here to learn more how the Feel You Feelingz is now part of the first-ever Mental Health Action Day on Thursday, May 20, 2021.

And thank you again to Victoria Makanjuola – Class of 2021, MA in Media and Strategic Communication. We wish you success always!

Creating connections with cultural programs

By Sydney Teabout

For this PDx podcast, GW senior Sydney Teabout speaks to Nancy Szalwinski, Director for Cultural Programs at the US Department of State.

Ms. Szalwinski has had almost two decades of experience with the U.S. Foreign Service. Her experiences have taken her to several posts in Latin America and also to Eastern Europe and Australia.

In the conversation, Sydney learns more about the goals of cultural programs and how they are part of U.S. public diplomacy. 

Enjoy the PDx episode through this LINK.

Sydney Teabout is a student in the SMPA 3350 Public Diplomacy class taught by Public Diplomacy Fellow Emilia A. Puma. She is a senior studying Journalism and Mass Communication as well as American Studies.

The opinions expressed in this blog are those of the author. They do not express the views of the Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication or the George Washington University.