Magnetic Refrigeration Research Laboratory
The purpose of this laboratory is to develop a magnetic refrigeration system that can operate in the range of ambient atmospheric temperatures and to determine the applicability of magnetic refrigeration to practical consumer refrigeration systems. The potential advantages of such a system are the prevention of environmental damage caused by harmful working fluids involved in existing systems and the reduction of energy consumption resulting from the significantly improved energy efficiency inherent in the utilization of the magneto-caloric effect. Magnetic refrigeration offers a significantly different thermodynamic approach than existing compression refrigeration system since it does not depend upon a condensable working fluid. Successful application to automotive air conditioning would have an environmental benefit by reducing engine load and saving fuel while employing no environmentally damaging working fluids.
The objective of this research facility is to investigate the choices of materials, heat exchange arrangements and the fluid that will be explored for the various applications of magnetic refrigeration.
Relevant equipment includes:
Magnetic Solutions Model SMM-2000-26.5 produces a magnetic field with an absolute magnitude varying between 0 and 2 Tesla at up to 2 Hertz.
LakeShore Model 460 3-Channel Gaussmeter
Keithley Model 2700 Multimeter / Data Acquisition System
Stanford Research Systems Model SR530 Lock-in Amplifier
Vacuum Pump
Circulation Pump
KSE Drybox
Chemical Hood
Magnetic Material Testing Laboratory
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM)
A LakeShore 7410 vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The system measures a wide range of sample types, making them ideal tools for the most demanding materials research applications and quality control of magnetic materials.
The system is equipped with a 10-inch electromagnet providing magnetic fields up to 3.1 T.
The system is equipped with three additional options: a low temperature cryostat, vector coils, and autorotation.
A high-temperature oven option can be purchased to extend the temperature range to 1250 K.
Maximum field at room temperature = 3.1 T
Maximum field at variable temperature (CCR) = 2.3 T
Maximum field with vector = 2 T
Accuracy = +/- 1%
Maximum sample size = 1 in
Variable temperature (CCR) = ~20 K to 450 K
Magneto-Optics Laboratory
The Institute for Magnetics Research has constructed a light-proof laboratory for carrying out magneto-optical research programs. Capabilities include both linear and second-order magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) measurements at wavelengths from 600 to 1000 nm. The system is computer controlled, and fully integrated with a Joule-Thompson refrigeration chamber to enable MOKE measurements over sample temperatures from +100C to -196C. Work is currently underway to incorporate an electrochemical deposition chamber with the MOKE system to allow in situ measurements of Kerr rotation and ellipticity during the preparation of thin film and multilayer samples
Relevant equipment includes:
Aerotech Model LSR5P 5 mW He-Ne Laser (wavelength= 632 nm)
Hinds Instruments Model II/CF57 Calcium Fluoride Photoelastic Modulator (PEM)
Model 7280 Wide Bandwidth (2 MHz) DSP Lock-in Amplifier with Dual/Single Harmonic and Reference Modes
Walker Scientific Model HV-5H Electromagnet with 5" poles and maximum magnetic field of 16,000 Gauss
Applied Magnetics Model MC-50 Bipolar Electromagnet Power Supply
LakeShore Model 450 Gaussmeter
MMR micro miniature Joule-Thomson refrigerator with programmable temperature controller.
General MOKE (linear) Measurements
Temperature-Dependent Measurements
Optically transparent sample holder/refrigeration
Second-Order MOKE (non-linear) Measurements
Coherent Model Mira 900 femtosecond modelocked Titanium: Sapphire Laser (wavelength= 700 nm to 1000 nm)
Coherent Model Verdi solid-state diode pumped Nd: YVO4 Laser (wavelength=532 nm)