Last Chance to Win [Strasser Writing Prize]

The UHP is accepting your entries for the 2014 Strasser Writing Prize!
The Strasser prize awards a grand prize of $100 and two runner-ups of $50 to the best papers written in any Honors course over the past year.  You can only enter one paper, so make sure it’s your best!
Submit your entry online after reading the full rules (which have changed from last year).  This year’s deadline for entries is Friday, January 24th, 2014.

You’ve already written the paper, now submit!

2013 Strasser Winners Announced!

Congratulations to the winners of the 2013 Strasser Writing Prize!  Of all the entries, these three papers were selected as the best by a committee of Honors faculty reading through several rounds of elimination!
The winner is awarded a $100 gift card, and each runner up is awarded a $50 gift card.
Once again, congratulations!!
Katie Winters – “Clinical Studies of Aphasia: The Role of Language in Social Death”
Runners up:

Jonah Lewis – “Beauty Isn’t Skin Deep: The Media’s Beauty Standards and African American Women’s Self-Actualization”
Kathryn Cote – “Turn Loose the Horses: Revealing the True Nature of Dysart’s Tragedy Through Nietzschean Philosophy”

Last Chance to Win [Strasser Prize]

You’re running out of time to submit your best paper to the Strasser Writing Prize!
UHPers can win a grand prize of $100 or one of two runner-up prizes of $50. You can only enter one paper from any UHP course during the past year, so make sure it’s your best!
Submit your entry online after reading the full rules (which have changed from last year).  This year’s deadline for entries is Friday, March 1st, 2013.
You’ve already written the paper, now submit!

Excellent Writer? Win Cash! [Strasser Prize]

Have you entered the 2013 Strasser Writing Prize!
UHPers can win a grand prize of $100 or one of two runner-up prizes of $50. You can only enter one paper from any UHP course during the past year, so make sure it’s your best!
Submit your entry online after reading the full rules (which have changed from last year).  This year’s deadline for entries is Friday, March 1st, 2013.
You’ve already written the paper, now submit!

Enter the Strasser Writing Prize

The UHP is now accepting your entries for the 2013 Strasser Writing Prize!
The Strasser prize awards a grand prize of $100 and two runner-ups of $50 to the best papers written in any Honors course over the past year.  You can only enter one paper, so make sure it’s your best!
Submit your entry online after reading the full rules (which have changed from last year).  This year’s deadline for entries is Friday, March 1st, 2013.
You’ve already written the paper, now submit!