From Paris with Something… [Study Ablog]

It’s time for a check-in from a SPA student studying abroad. Get ready for advice and adventures from SPA! Today’s post is written by junior Thom Josephson who is studying in Paris at SciencesPo.


Abroad divides returners into two groups: Those who found the experience lacking and those who find the return to be so. I am of the former. I’m not going to gush forth praise and excitement. I won’t lie either.
Abroad, if you choose to go, will be hard. Being in another culture is not easy. Making friends is not easy. Adjusting is just plain hard.
But you might love it.
I found myself in a group of wonderful people, assembled from around the world. I found passionate teachers and interesting subjects. I found a city that glows, that positively sparkles, at night.
And I hit a point in my experience where I did not want to leave. I wanted to stay in Paris forever. I wanted to eat whole baguettes, drink cheap wine from the Côtes de Rhône, and glare scorn to tourists. I wanted to be French.
That desire passed for me. It doesn’t for everyone though.
Here is the truth: Go abroad. Or don’t. But don’t go because anyone told you to and don’t stay because anyone said to. Others’ experiences are not your own. Don’t trust them. Don’t trust me.
You may relish the culture, the different perspectives, the food and whatever else. Or you may find the academic difficulty lacking, the people dull, and the culture fake.
Whatever you decide to do, remember that the important thing is not where you go, but why.
I can tell you this: If you go, you will learn something. It just might not be what you thought it would; and that might not be such a bad thing.
Read my blog if you like, or don’t. I’m a blog post, not a cop.
See you all in the Spring.