Sign Up: Freshmen Small Groups

It’s time for Freshmen small group meetings! Freshmen will meet with Catherine and Liz to go over the pressing matters of these hectic times.
The topics:

  • Goals Statement;
  • StrengthsFinder: StrengthsFinder is an online assessment that identifies some of your strongest talent themes;
  • Four Year Plan: Finally, we’ll discuss the process for completing your four-year plan.

Your mission…. accept it:

  • Complete your one-page goals statement and bring a hard copy to September small group (that’s the short, one page, reflective statement on your personal goals for college.)
  • You will receive individual access codes this week to complete the StrengthsFinder online assessment. Check your email and as soon as you get your code,  complete the assessment by Sunday, September 23
  • Bring a hard copy of your “Signature Themes Report” to our meeting.

You can register online for the most convenient time.
Small Groups will meet the week of September 24th.  There are just enough sections to cover everyone, so make sure to sign up right now if you have a tricky schedule.  Specific days and times are available at the online registration page.  Sign up now!
All small group meetings this round are being held in Ames 101Q (the conference room in the UHP Suite at the MVC)