UHP Honors Research Showcase

You are invited to the annual UHP Honors Research Showcase! Come learn something new and support your peers as they present their brief talks followed by questions.

The Research Showcase will be on Friday, April 26th from 1-3pm in the Club Room at the Townhouse. Let your fellow UHPers know how proud we are of their dedication and hard work as researchers and scholars!

Questions? Contact Brianna Crayton (bcrayton@gwu.edu).

2016 Research Showcase Recap

Last week’s Research Showcase saw presentations from original research performed by UHPers this year.
Eliza GorenEliza Goren‘s research stemmed from her research assistantship with Prof. Josef Przytycki from the Mathematics department. They spent the semester create a program based in knot theory. She helpfully explained knotting and unknotting through DNA transcription, drawing from an interest in DNA that begin with her Scientific Reasoning and Discovery class with Prof. Hammond!
Ben Helfand
Ben Helfand presented the findings of his senior thesis, researched through the Enosinian Scholars program. Advised by Prof. Nathan Brown, Ben researched the incorporation of human rights laws in constitution and domestic legal system of Tunisia after the Jasmine Revolution. He even travelled to Tunisia with the help of the SURE Award!
Eileen Emerson
Eileen Emerson compared local and national TV and newspaper coverage of the 2015 Baltimore protests after death of Freddie Gray in police custody. Advised by Prof. Kim Gross, she wanted to find out which coverage was more racialized, sensationalized, legitimizing or delegitimizing through language and images. Eileen also is a SURE Award winner!
Pooja ShivaprasadPooja Shivaprasad worked on her senior thesis with Prof. Hossein Askari comparing the migration of refugees to oil rich and oil poor countries. Despite the frustrating lack of available data, Pooja found that oil rich countries take in fewer refugees, and that shared borders are more significant than shared language in refugee intake.
Eva MartinEva Martin considered the UN’s treatment of human trafficking. Advised by Prof. Ingrid Creppell (Deputy Director of the UHP!), Eva developed an ambitious proposal for a dedicated UN Office on human trafficking, combining the resources of various offices on crime and human rights to greater effect.
Congratulations to our presenters for completing an incredible year of research!

UHP Research Showcase

You are invited to celebrate the research of your peers at the University Honors Program Research Showcase!
Enjoy brief, casual talks and ask questions Thursday, April 28th from 2 to 4pm in the Club Room of the Honors Townhouse.  Let your fellow UHP’ers know how proud we are of their dedication and willingness to take a risk in order to contribute and disseminate original work as active scholars!

J and Bey are proud of all your hard work.
J and Bey are proud of all your hard work.

And if you have research you’d like to present, let Catherine know by Monday, April 25th to be included in the program!

UHP Research Showcase This Thursday!

Join #TeamUHP this Thursday to celebrate the research of your peers at the University Honors Program Research Showcase!
Enjoy brief, casual talks and ask questions this Thursday, April 30th from 1pm to 3pm in the Club Room of the Honors Townhouse.  Let your fellow UHPers know how proud we are of their dedication and willingness to take a risk in order to contribute and disseminate original work as active scholars! It’s going to be beautiful.

UHP Research Showcase

You are invited to celebrate the research of your peers at the University Honors Program Research Showcase!
Enjoy brief, casual talks and ask questions Thursday, April 30th from 1pm to 3pm in the Club Room of the Honors Townhouse.  Let your fellow UHP’ers know how proud we are of their dedication and willingness to take a risk in order to contribute and disseminate original work as active scholars!
And if you have research you’d like to present, let Catherine know by Friday, April 3rd to be included in the program!