Food for Thought w/ Prof. Ralkowski

ICYMI: Food for Thoughts are kinda like Talks at Google, but for the UHP, and with free food (and your friends.)

Our first Food for Thought of the semester will be Friday, 9/20 from 12-1PM in the Club Room. Professor Ralkowski, one of our esteemed honors faculty, will be giving a talk over a catered lunch. Make sure to RSVP to reserve your seat and your sandwich!

Title: The Consolations of Humor

Description: The ancient Greek philosophers thought humor was bad for us. Some thought it could overthrow the rule of reason in the soul, while others argued that it involved maliciously taking pleasure in the ignorance of others. Modern philosophers have made related criticisms, associating humor with irrationality and feelings of superiority. In our own time, philosophers are not the only people who have raised concerns about the anti-social characteristics of humor. In what The New York Times has called “the most discussed comedy special in ages,” Nanette, Hannah Gadsby presents an argument against comedy as a whole. The point of this talk is to explain how humor has an indispensable role to play in a philosophical life, one that the ancients would have appreciated if they had understood humor’s possibilities differently, and one that helps us make sense of the extraordinary popularity and significance of Hannah Gadsby’s breakout performance in Nanette.

Food for Thought w/ Prof. Pemberton

Join us in the Club Room on Friday, March 4th for a Food for Thought lunch with Professor Pemberton, as she discusses “”Islamic Gender Activism in Indonesia: Transnational Model or Unicorn?” We’ll be starting at 12, so make sure to get there in time to grab a sandwich and a seat! Lunch will be provided, so please make sure to RSVP!

Food for Thought with Prof. David Fontana [Free Lunch]


Join the Honors Program for a lunch time discussion on

“Government by Location”

Friday, March 21st at 12:30pm in Ames 101

What if we moved the capital of the United States to Wyoming instead of Washington? Or what if we moved the Congress to San Francisco and kept the White House in Washington? Where government is located is a big part of how government operates, and Professor Fontana will talk about the many reasons that is the case.

Seats are Limited, Reserve Yours Now!

(Free) Lunch and Discussion w/ Prof. Hammond

Prof. LaTisha Hammond leads this Food for Thought discussion.  Don’t miss out! The UHP provides lunch to students and faculty as Prof. Hammond tells how she mad ethe leap from  investigating larval sea urchin gene expression in response to the environment in California, to investigating science learning and teaching practices in middle, high school, and undergraduate science classes on the east coast.
We’ll provide lunch, you bring your questions! Seats are limited to 15.

Register now!

Monday, October 14th
714 21st Street, UHP Club Room at the Foggy Bottom campus

Food for Thought with Prof. LaTisha Hammond

Can you make jump from Californian sea urchin genetics to east coast science teaching and learning practices in the US educational system? Find out how Prof. Hammond did just that (and we’ll provide lunch!)
Professor Hammond talks about how she made the leap from investigating larval sea urchin gene expression in response to the environment in California, to investigating science learning and teaching practices in middle, high school, and undergraduate science classes on the east coast. Are there links between the two seemingly different arenas?
We’ll provide lunch, you bring your questions! Seats are limited to 15.

Register now!

Monday, October 14th
714 21st Street, UHP Club Room at the Foggy Bottom campus

Food for Thought: Solar Decathlon [Free Lunch]

Food for Thought: Harvest Home, GW’s entry in Solar Decathlon 2013

Lunch and lecture with Prof. Kim Roddis, UHP Faculty Fellow 2012-2013

714 21st Street, UHP Club Room at the Foggy Bottom campus

The Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive. GW is a member of Team Capitol DC, a partnership that also includes the Catholic University of America and American University. Come learn about Harvest Home. A model of the house and its landscape will be on display.

We’ll provide lunch, you bring your questions! Seats are limited to 15, so sign up now.

Register Here


Tomorrow: Food for Thought w/ Prof. Sides

Never put off tomorrow what you can do today!  Particularly apt in this case, since today’s your last chance to register for this free lunch and lecture with Prof. John Sides!

Food for Thought: The Story of the 2012 Presidential Campaign (in Graphs!)

“Game changer.” We heard it so many times during the 2012 U.S. presidential election. But what actually made a difference—and what was just hype? John Sides will tell the story of the election in just a few graphs — using a “moneyball” approach that gets beyond the anecdote, folklore, and conventional wisdom that often pass for election analysis.

Tuesday, March 19th from 11:30am-12:30pm in Ames 101Q (MVC).
Seats are capped at 15, so register now!

Food for Thought: The 2012 Election [Lunch Event!]

Join the UHP and Prof. John Sides, Professor of Political Science and UHP Faculty Fellow, 2012-2013 as he presents on his research over a UHP provided lunch.

Food for Thought: The Story of the 2012 Presidential Campaign (in Graphs!)

“Game changer.” We heard it so many times during the 2012 U.S. presidential election. But what actually made a difference—and what was just hype? John Sides will tell the story of the election in just a few graphs — using a “moneyball” approach that gets beyond the anecdote, folklore, and conventional wisdom that often pass for election analysis.

Tuesday, March 19th from 11:30am-12:30pm in Ames 101Q (MVC).
Seats are capped at 15, so register now!