Yale Undergraduate International Policy Competition

Hosted and sponsored by Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, the Yale Undergraduate International Policy Competition will take place on Yale’s campus this Fall. We are cordially inviting the students of George Washington University to participate, and we were hoping that you could pass on the below competition information to your students.
On October 13-14, undergraduates from different universities across the U.S. will gather at Yale University to compete in the Yale Undergraduate International Policy Competition. Students will compete in teams of 4 to develop realistic policy proposals addressing some of the world’s most pressing issues (this past year’s topic concerned plans to revitalize the war-torn city of Mosul). Topics are announced at the start of the competition, and students will have time to draft their written proposal as well as a presentation that is shown to our illustrious panel of judges.
More information about our competition as well as the registration form can be accessed on our website, http://yaleipc.com/.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to yara.el-khatib@yale.edu via email if you have any questions concerning the Yale Undergraduate International Policy Competition. We look forward to seeing you on campus this October!

Spot Lil' Franny Dee, Win Money!

We all remember this reference, right?
We all remember this reference, right?

Are you familiar with a little black-and white image of our favorite owl, Franny Dee? Franny Dee sits on a the “Make an Appointment” button on our website — but there’s another version that’s tiny, and black and white.
That’s Lil’ Franny Dee!
If you spot her, you can win a $10 giftcard.
Here’s how to win:

  1. Look for Lil’ Franny Dee in UHP content (she’s a little owl, and is always black and white).
  2. When you see her, go to our Facebook page.
  3. Be the first to post “I Saw Lil’ Franny Dee in ____________!” on our wall. Make sure to include where you saw her, so we know you’re not just really, really, slow about reading the NewsFlash or something.
  4. The same person can’t win twice in a row.
  5. Old Lil’ Franny Dees don’t count!  Each one can only be won once.

Lil’ Franny Dee could show up anywhere from in the text of an Honors Program newsletter to blog posts to photobombing pictures on Facebook or Twitter.  Keep your eyes peeled and you can win!