Fall 2015 GPAC Additions/Subtractions

CCAS STUDENTS: The Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies has made several late G-PAC decisions that may impact your class selection for summer or fall. Courses have been added to various categories at the recommendation of departments; others have been removed, having been judged as not meeting the learning goals established by the Columbian College faculty.

These changes may impact your Fall 2015 registration, so please review carefully.


There haven’t been any changes made to Honors courses, but many other departments/courses are affected. If you have questions about approved courses, please contact ccasug@gwu.edu directly. UHP Program Officers are also available if you have questions about rearranging your schedule.

For the full list of approved courses, view the Academic Advising website.

Added to Arts:

  • CAH 1090 “Art History I”
  • ENGL 2210 “Techniques in Creative Writing”
  • TRDA 2195 “Global Dance History”
  • TRDA 3246W “History of the Theatre II”

Added to Humanities:

  • ENGL 3446 “Shakespearean London”
  • ENGL 3910 “Disability Studies”
  • HIST 2050 “History of Jewish Civilization” also Global/Cross-Cultural and Oral Communication
  • REL 2201 “Judaism”
  • REL 2301 “Christianity”
  • REL 2501 “Hinduism”

Added to Natural or Physical Sciences with lab:

  • BISC 1007 “Food, Nutrition, and Service” also Local/Civic Engagement
  • BISC 1008 “Understanding Organisms through Service Learning” also Local/Civic Engagement

Added to Oral Communication:

  • ENGL 3620 “American Poetry I”
  • ENGL 3481 “The Eighteenth Century II”
  • FREN 2005 “Language, Culture, and Society I”

Removed from Arts:

  • TRDA 1017 “Movement Awareness”
  • TRDA 1025 “Understanding the Theatre”
  • TRDA 2185 “Trends in Performance”

Removed from Local/Civic Engagement:

  • BISC 1005 “Biology of Nutrition and Health”
    BISC 1006 “Ecology and Evolution of Organisms”

Removed from Oral Communication:

  • PHIL 1153 “The Meaning of Mind”
  • PHIL 2136 “Contemporary Issues in Ethics”