Hello fellow Honors students! My name is Rebekah Johnson, and I am going to steal three minutes of that time you were going to spend constantly refreshing the new gwhonorsproblems tumblr waiting for a new post to tell you about my favorite student org on campus, GW Campus Outreach.
GW’s chapter of Campus Outreach is an evangelical Christian organization that aims to encourage students to consider their spiritual state and their relationship with God throughout their years at GW. College is a great time to explore the issues of faith and establish a firm foundation for yourself in the coming years.
You may have seen our flyers around campus- we like to host events answering relevant questions throughout the school year. Already, we’ve hosted speakers at events titled “Does Becoming a Christian mean the End of my Fun?” or “Can the Bible be Trusted?” (One of my personal favorites we hosted last year around election time discussed “Is Jesus Liberal or Conservative?”)
Guest speakers aren’t the core of our program, though- we have a lot of Bible studies throughout the week exploring major Biblical books and important topics in Christianity. One of my favorite passages that we’ve talked about is Romans 8. It reminds me that “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” and that I’m not bound by the law of sin and death anymore. Romans can be hard to understand, but Campus Outreach is great at giving you tools to interpret Scripture on your own.
If you want to get involved, email Lauren at larold@campusoutreachdc.org to get on our listserv. When we all return for the Spring semester, we’ll also be resuming our weekly meeting in the Thurston Piano Lounge at 8pm every Tuesday. Come check us out!