Research Days: Your Turn in the Spotlight

UHPers, we know you’re busy bees with research.  Between exciting classes, your senior thesis work, and the results of  SURE funding, we know a bunch of you are out there right now doing exciting research.
But don’t keep your excellence all to yourself.  Share it with the world!
You have until February 23rd to submit abstracts to GW Research Days 2014. It’s a great opportunity to present on the great work you’re doing!
Don’t dilly-dally, you need to represent the UHP!  Submit your abstract to GW Research Days 2014 by February 23rd, 2014!

Match-Making at the US Department of State [Research Assistant]

Technology in Internal Markets; assigning diplomats to foreign embassies in the U.S. State Department
Professor Korok Ray
The Project: Organizations of all kinds such as government, corporations, and non-profits need to assign workers to jobs. Traditionally this has been done manually, however advances in technology and economic research are opening the door to using more sophisticated methods to match employees to employers within organizations, in internal labor markets.
This research seeks to explore how to best match U.S. diplomats to embassies around the world through the U.S. State Department. The government matches hundreds of Foreign Service officers to embassies every year and they seek better and more precise ways to do this. The project has both technical/mathematical as well as relationship/rhetorical/marketing.
Research Assistant Tasks: I seek a research assistant to help me implement this program. I have already designed the mathematical algorithm and the basic technology to help with the assignment. However, I require a bright undergraduate with a general background in economics, mathematics, statistics, computer science or business. The best applicant will have a strong curiosity of how to apply cutting edge economic research to solve the latest problems in the real world. This project is as concrete as it gets!
Time Commitment: 7-9 hours per week
Contact Email:

Golden Key's Operation Valentine

In honor of Valentine’s Day, Golden Key International Honour Society (of which several UHP students are a member) is hosting a drive to nurture a group of women who are working to improve their lives and be empowered. Specifically, we are collecting treats for the women in Calvary Women’s Shelter; these women are rarely pampered, especially on Valentine’s Day.
Please purchase any of the following items and bring them to the Marvin Center Lobby between 11AM-1PM & 6PM-8PM on Tuesday, February 11th:
Fingernail Polish
Bubble Bath
Items will be donated to the Calvary Women’s Shelter. Calvary provides a safe place to live, nutritious meals, educational programs, employment opportunities, mental health services, and addiction recovery support.

Wondering "What If?" [Ask the Sherpa]

Dear Sherpa,
I’m a freshman, and I haven’t declared a major yet. All of my friends seem to be so sure of their paths. How can I possibly decide what major I might want to do? What if I choose the wrong one, and then I can’t go abroad, or can’t graduate on time? Did I already miss my chance to pick my dream major???
Panicking in Potomac

Sherpa, the Sherpa.
Sherpa, the Sherpa.

Dear Panicking in Potomac,
First, take a deep breath. If you get stressed out, come by the Townhouse and I’ll teach you deep breathing exercises from my homeland. We’ll pop on our Lululemons and namaste our way out of this stress pimple waiting to happen.
Your question reminds me of a time I was hiking up Mt. Everest, guiding some young Georgetown students. They decided, mid-hike, that they didn’t want to do it anymore!
“We want to go down, Sherpa!”
“We’re scared, Sherpa!”
“Our little toes are freezing off, Sherpa!”
While I let them go back down the mountain, I kept going, since it’s all about the climb.
A few hours later, I lost my footing. I rolled over myself and hit my head. When I came to, I found my arm stuck between two rocks. I was in a real jam; a proverbial pickle; a non-proverbial rock and a hard place.
Night was falling as fast as the mercury. What if no hikers passed by to save me? What if everyone was already at camp, and my yelling would just exhaust me? What if I was doomed to die here? What if I would survive and like, write a book or something? What if the book got turned into a movie? What if James Franco would play me? What if James Franco is playing us all?
The questions were mounting, and my options felt as suffocating as the snowdrifts growing around me. I didn’t know what to do. Whatever choice I made, I didn’t want to be left wondering “what if?”
You probably feel the same way. What if you choose International Affairs, and only later realize that you might have to redo some of your requirements? What if you decide to pursue Psychology, but a year later discover you meant Sociology? What if Archaeology is absolutely nothing like the promise of Indiana Jones?
Don’t be left wondering “what if?” Use the new DegreeMap tool to hypothesize and fantasize about your options. DegreeMap knows what you’ve already completed, so it can tell you what each major would require. Investigate countless options without having to make a new, handwritten four-year plan each time!
And for me? A young hiker by the name of Jim Franks (or something similar, at least) found me. I called him down and explained that I had a tough decision to make. Sometimes, one must do things they never thought possible. With my own pocket knife, I sawed off his arm to use as a lever to free me from the boulder. At last, I was free, and unscathed.
After all this excitement, I made an appointment with Catherine and Mark to debrief what I had learned and the conclusions I had come to. You should do the same after playing around with DegreeMap. Because if I’ve learned anything from my time on that mountain, it’s this: never go it alone. And never trust a Georgetown student.

Ivy City Project [PAID Research Assistantship]

Professors Royce Francis and Amanda Northcross
The Project: Student will assist with two (NE Washington DC, SW California near Mexico border) on-going community based ambient air quality studies utilizing low cost, easy to use air pollution monitors. The goal of these studies is to develop monitoring networks that are responsive to the local community’s air quality concerns while providing accurate and scientifically rigorous data to state and federal agencies. The student will be responsible for preparing field sample filters, equipment preliminary testing and assisting with preliminary data analysis. Also students may work with local DC community members to assist with monitor installment and technical support. There is the opportunity for advanced data analysis, thesis papers, and dissemination of results to local community members as skills and interest permit.
Qualifications: Due to the community based nature of this research project, the student must be comfortable working with people from diverse economic and ethnic backgrounds. The local research site is located in Northeast DC, and the student may be asked to travel to the site for equipment installations with local collaborators from nearby Universities.

  • Math and Chemistry classes
  • Detail oriented
  • Independent worker
  • Easy to work with
  • Humble
  • Experience working in a community setting
  • Likes to solve challenging problems
  • Preferred but not required:
  • GPS experience
  • Computer programming experience
  • Sophomore or Junior standing
  • Laboratory experience
  • Science and engineering majors
  • Basic understanding of air quality regulations and measurement techniques

Time commitment: 10-15 hours per week. Must be able to work at least 6 hours in a day once per week.
Pay: $10/hour.
To apply: Apply through the GWork system, look for reference number 791979.
Research assistantship opportunities are filled on a rolling basis. Please apply promptly for your application to be considered.

Study Space in the UHP Townhouse

We meant "there is room for you to study," but if you want to study space in your study space, that's welcome.
We meant “there is room for you to study,” but if you want to study space in your study space, that’s welcome.

The Honors townhouse in Foggy Bottom has two big rooms that are great places to study.  While we don’t keep the rooms stocked with tasty treats like we do during “official” study hours, students are welcome to study in either the Club Room or the basement conference room any time Monday through Friday, 9am through 5pm.
(That is of course, so long as the room is free and open!  Check with the front desk before you settle in just to be sure!)

Last Chance for Honors Sophomore Housing

Your fabulous new home?
Your fabulous new home?

The deadline to sign up for honors sophomore housing in Amsterdam Hall next year is THIS Thursday, February 6th!  Don’t miss out!
You may request desired roommates if you wish. All roommates must be members of the Honors Program and each roommate must submit a separate form – no one can be signed up by proxy. Students can apply for sophomore housing individually to be placed in a quad with other students that applied individually or in groups smaller than 4.
To apply: submit the sophomore Honors housing application, available right now online, by Thursday, February 6th, 2014 at the stroke of midnight. Spots are limited, and housing assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Those assigned to Honors housing will be notified via email shortly thereafter and their names will be submitted to GW Housing Programs.
Please note that different dorms have different prices, you can find a list for housing rates here. Only sign up for housing with the UHP if you actually intend to live there.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or 994-6816.

A Birthday Bonfire in the Middle of DC!

George Washington’s Birthday Bonfire
Friday, February 7, 2014 at 6pm
University Yard

The George Washington’s Birthday Bonfire will be part of Homecoming Weekend 2014.  Join the GW community at this longstanding tradition.  Mix and mingle with students, alumni and fans while enjoying s’mores and entertainment.  In the event of adverse weather, George Washington’s celebration will be held at the men’s homecoming basketball game at 4pm on Saturday, February 8 at the Charles E. Smith Center.
For more information, email or call 202-994-7129.
Follow Homecoming Weekend 2014 with #GWHW14; Follow @GWUEvent and @GWGeorge too!
Homecoming Poster

Alpha Kappa Psi [Student Org Profile]

This post is written by UHPer and SPA member Kaley Pomerantz.

Brothers and the former Chairman of the SEC, Elisse B. Walters, at one of our professional events last Spring

What’s up UHP?! How’s your spring semester going? What’s the deal with this DC weather?? Ok, enough will the small talk- time to get down to business!
And of course my favorite way to get down to business is with ALPHA KAPPA PSI! Alpha Kappa Psi, also known as AKPsi is a professional co-ed business fraternity on campus! It is also the oldest and largest business fraternity in the world!!
AKPsi is open to ALL majors! In addition to Business, we have brothers in the GW chapter majoring in International Affairs, Political Communication, Public Health, and Engineering, just to name a few.
I rushed AKPsi in the spring semester of my freshman year and it was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made at GW! I’ve made some of my best friends, had some extremely fun times, and grown immensely as a business professional.
What I love about AKPsi is the balance between professional and social activities. We hold numerous events and workshops with interesting speakers and insight on the professional world. For me, the best professional development has come from being a part of such a large network of successful individuals. I frequently get emails about job and internship leads (I heard about my current internship through an AKPsi email!). I also love talking to brothers about jobs/internships they’ve had and what their career aspirations are because it helps me figure out what I’m interested in. I know I can always count on my brothers if I need help with my resume, practicing for an interview, or simply figuring out the difference between Business Professional and Business Casual!
Great times at Relay for Life!
Great times at Relay for Life!

AKPsi is not only professional—we’re very social too! Some of our social events include going to National’s games, ice skating, and going to restaurants. We also include some fun similar aspects that regular Greek organizations have, such as Big/Little week and formals. Even when we’re just hanging out, I always have a good time with the bros!
If you’d like to learn more about AKPsi, or I’ve already convinced you that this is the student org for you, come to our Rush events over the next couple of weeks! The Rush schedule is posted below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions (My email is! You can also check us out on Facebook.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with a fun fact! AKPsi is a co-ed organization, but since it was originally founded as a fraternity, all members are considered “brothers.” Man, do I love being a frat bro!
We have an info session on Tuesday at 7pm, and our official Rush events begin on Thursday at 7pm!