Guidelines and Expectations for UHP Microsoft Teams

Hello! Like every virtual community, ours requires some guidelines and expectations to make sure this is and remains a positive, welcoming space. So please read through these carefully before engaging in our team.

  1. Be considerate – We’re here to build community– a community where all UHPers feel welcome. So don’t be a jerk. If you’re disagreeing with someone, do so respectfully and constructively, refraining from personal attacks. Never speak with prejudice towards minoritized groups. We reserve the right to remove any posts that are disrespectful or prejudicial in nature. Severe and repeated offenses may warrant removal from the platform.
  2. Keep it clean – We’re a community, but we’re also an academic community. Please don’t come here with sexual content or nudity, that would be wild. We will absolutely remove that. Also, refrain from profanity in text discussion. Once again: academic community.
  3. Be respectful of personal info – We’re a private community, but this is still the internet. If someone doesn’t want to share personal info with you, that’s perfectly valid! Don’t pressure anyone to share personal info with you that they don’t want to.
  4. Don’t be violent – Violent conduct, threats, harassment: these are bad things. Don’t do them here. As stated earlier, we reserve the right to delete any inappropriate posts, and severe and repeated offenses may warrant removal from the platform.
  5. Connect with each other and have fun! – This is a rough time that we’re living through, and it can be really easy to isolate yourself, digging a hole into your blankets and hiding there while disconnecting from the world around you. And there are certainly times to dig holes into blankets! But connecting with folks, making friends, creating community– these are really important parts of surviving collectively rough events. Don’t be afraid to put yourselves out there and make friends here. Especially you first years!

That’s all for these guidelines, but please keep in mind that we may update these as needs arise. If you’re not sure about the appropriateness of something, that’s totally understandable! You can feel free to directly message Josh Mays to double-check if something would violate one of our guidelines.