This post is written by UHP Student Peer Advisor Brian Dab, a psychology major currently abroad in France. He’s writing to describe a student org at he’s involved in here at GW. Want to encourage others to get involved in your org? Email about writing a post!
Hellooooo UHPers! I want to tell you about Alpha Phi Omega (APO), a coed community service fraternity and the impact it has on me and other members personally, academically, and professionally. Each semester, active brothers participate in community service throughout the semester. Serving with friends makes the time fly because we’re always making memories, inside jokes, and strengthening friendships. My favorite event was volunteering at a pet adoption, because I love puppies! In addition to community service and our weekly chapter meeting, we engage in fellowship, or social activities. These range from dinner hours to laser tag, and of course our semi-formal and formal events at the end of the Fall and Spring semesters. My favorite parts of the week are often the time I get to spend with my brothers who are some of my best friends.
You’ll be surprised by the amazing group of people who are devoted to community service while pursuing a wide variety of majors and also extend to every inch of the GW community. We have brothers who also participate in GW Alt Breaks, are members of the SA and House Staff, and several who are in the UHP. So it is easy to get connected to a brother in APO at GW and I strongly encourage everyone to ask more about what it’s like to be a brother. Many brothers started doing community service in college through DCReads or JumpStart, and brought that experience to the chapter while expanding their experiences in service projects as a brother. Or if community service is something you’ve always wanted to do but never had an organized way of participating, then look into rushing. I challenge all of you to attend ONE rush event this Spring or another semester during your college career. It’s never too late!
Through APO I have been connected to new job and internship opportunities and to other organizations around campus, such as Relay for Life for which I Co-Captained the UHP team last year. My best friends and support group lay heavily with my brothers. My career goals and plans have been influenced by my experience in APO. Most importantly, I realized that community service isn’t something we all need to MAKE time for it’s something we HAVE time for. If you’re looking for a place at GW, if you have plenty of commitments already, or if you feel content I still encourage think you have something to gain from Alpha Phi Omega and the fraternity has even more to gain from you.