SURE Award – Applications Open!

Did you know that Honors students have the opportunity to win up to $500 for their research? It’s true!  Apply to the UHP/Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award (SURE) and we might just cut you a check.

Any current Honors Program student who is engaged in research may compete for an individual grant of up to $500 to support his or her research activities. Activities may include (but are not limited to) the purchase of research equipment or supplies; registration and travel expenses for conference presentations; travel to libraries or archives; and videography costs associated with the documentation of performances.

One former winner shares their story on how they used their SURE funding to study the intersection of science and religion here.

The application includes:

  1. Statement of Purpose
  2. Proposed Budget detailing how the funds will be used
  3. GW Faculty Statement of support

The possibilities are endless, but the deadline to apply funding (to be used in Spring, Summer, or Fall 2021) is Friday, February 5th. If you have questions, please reach out to

NSF Data Analysis and Statistics Summer Internships

Apply Today!

Deadline: March 31, 2021 4:00PM EST

The National Science Foundation (NSF), National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) provides policy makers and the public high-quality information on the science and engineering enterprise.

This internship is for participants in a wide variety of fields including, but not limited to: Business Management, Communications and Graphic Design, Computer Sciences, Economics, Marketing, Mathematics and Statistics, and Survey Methodology.

What will I be doing?

As a Research Ambassador intern, you will have the opportunity to explore a federal career and gain a competitive edge as you apply your education, talent and skills in a variety of settings. You will learn and collaborate on projects that make use of expertise from a variety of fields, including survey methodology, survey statistics, economics and other social science disciplines to design, study, implement and conduct national surveys to measure the science and engineering enterprise.  You will also be engaged in research projects, evaluation initiatives, surveys, data collection and specialized analyses.

What is the anticipated start date?

Exact start dates will be determined at the time of selection and in coordination with the selected candidates. Appointments are typically between May and September.

Where will I be located? Alexandria, VA (Washington D.C. area)

Appointments may result in a virtual placement due to COVID-19 impacts.

What are the benefits?

You will receive a competitive stipend for living and other expenses as determined by NSF. Stipends are typically based on academic standing, discipline, and experience. You may also be eligible to receive a health insurance allowance and reimbursement for travel expenses.

Learn more about the NCSES Research Ambassadors Program at

Questions? Email                            

Columbia Undergraduate Law Review – Seeking Submissions

The Columbia Undergraduate Law Review, a journal of undergraduate legal scholarship based at Columbia University in the City of New York, is accepting submissions for its Spring 2021 issue.

The deadline for submissions is January 3, 2021, by 11:59 PM EST, but we encourage you to submit before that deadline. In recognition of the various paths undergraduates may take to study law, we welcome submission of research articles, senior theses, and essays embracing a wide range of topics and viewpoints related to the field of law. Undergraduate students in any major, track, or class year should feel free to send us their work. Visit to view past journals or to read our mission statement.

Submissions should be double-spaced in Microsoft Word .doc or .docx format, follow Chicago style citations, and include endnotes and a Works Cited section. Although we will consider submissions of any length, the majority of published pieces range from 20 to 25 pages (excluding references). Longer papers should be shortened to fit this page length recommendation before submission. Papers with footnotes or parenthetical citations will be considered, but the author must independently convert them to endnotes before the editing process. In the document, please also include the following information:

  1. Your name

  2. Current email address and phone number

  3. College/University and year of graduation

  4. Title

  5. 250-word abstract

  6. Short explanation of when and why paper was initially written

Please submit your article on our website under the “Submit” tab. Feel free to contact us at with any questions or concerns.

Research Assistantship Opportunities with 21Wilberforce

Heads up for 2 new paid, short-term research assistantship opportunities with 21Wilberforce, UHPers! You can apply by emailing Professor Christov at and Nathan Wineinger, Director of Policy & Coalitions for 21Wilberforce, at nathan@21wilberforce.orgDo so by next Friday, November 6 to ensure your application is considered.

Global Religious Freedom Data Spectrum:

Religious freedom is a cornerstone of both liberal democracy and international law through Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Around the world, belief communities face various levels of rights violations from governments and non-state actors. Religious freedom issues are tracked by governments, NGOs, advocacy organizations, and researchers producing various types of data on the issue. The Global Religious Freedom Data Spectrum is an initiative of 21Wilberforce and the Loeb Institute to gather that information into one place to demonstrate the diversity of entities that track it, the breadth of ideological perspectives that are engaged, as well as gaps in particular group representation. Findings from the project will be presented at the 2020 Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom during a virtual side event.



The successful RA applicant will have skills in the required skills section, and may have skills in the desirable skills section. The RA position is for the fall semester with the potential to continue into the spring semester. It is entirely virtual. You will report to staff at the Loeb Institute for Religious Freedom and be trained by them and by staff at 21Wilberforce, an NGO that works to advance religious freedom for all no matter their religion or belief. You will be expected to perform nine hours of effort in the first period (through November 20th) and subsequently 6 hours per week for the remainder of the semester. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis for immediate engagement.

Required Skills: Human Rights, Policy, and Data:

  • Data collection, review of other’s collection, and verification.
  • Updating codebook with changes in data, scale, sources.
  • Research on additional variables to include in the Data Spectrum.
  • Drafting memos to lead researchers on suitability or non-suitability of various indicators based on general credibility and application to Article 18 rights.
  • Launch event coordination and logistics.

Desirable Skills: Web Design:

  • Word Press skills to update pages with new content
  • Reviewing Word Press plugins for suitability and applicability to data integration
  • Coding skills to build new tools or modify plugins for new tool functionality
  • Basic
  • Geospatial and data visualization experience/training
  • Optional: Database query design experience/training
  • Optional: User interface development experience/training

Desirable Skills: Publication Design:

  • Updating and formatting the annual report, any supplemental reports, fact sheets, social media memes, and social media posts.
  • Consulting on any info-graphic, graphic, or logo updates.
  • Formatting of student sourced research, posting about student or academic research that uses GRFDS
  • Optional: User interface development experience/training

MIT’s Futures in Mechanical Engineering Workshop for Undergraduate Women

Female-identifying Juniors and Seniors studying engineering or related fields, do you want to pursue an advanced degree? UHP alum Andrea Lehn wants to invite you to MIT’s Futures in Mechanical Engineering Workshop. The workshop will take place from 2-6PM EST 0n Thursday November 12 and Friday November 13. Topics will include:

  • Preparing a graduate school application that stands out
  • Workshop to prepare and enhance personal statements
  • Faculty panel on MIT’s mechanical engineering graduate program
  • Student life at MIT hosted by Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association of Women
  • Get to know our faculty and research – small group breakout sessions
  • Careers after graduate school alumni panel

If you’re interested, apply here by Friday, October 23.

For more information, you can visit the event website or email them at

Apply to train as a Writing Center consultant!

Apply to train as a Writing Center consultant!

Do you love to write? Are you the person to whom friends always turn to say, “Hey, could you help me with this paper?” If so, please apply to be a peer undergraduate consultant! 

The GW Writing Center is a lively, collaborative learning environment with paid consultants who come from a diverse array of backgrounds and disciplines. Sophomores, juniors, and first-year students who complete UW1020 this fall are welcome to apply. 

Application materials are due October 14th.  Interviews will take place in late October and early November.  For more information about the Writing Center itself, check out our website.

Note:  If you are accepted, you must take UW 2111W, “Pedagogy and Practice for Writing Consultants” in the spring.  More details are in the application materials! 

Please contact Professor Hayes if you have any questions:

Prof. Hayes

Internship Opportunity with Bates White (and a UHP alum!)

Check out the following job posting through UHP alum Kate Jones!

Dear students,

My name is Kate Jones, and I graduated from GW in May 2018 with a BS in Economics and Statistics. Since graduating, I have been working as a Consultant at Bates White, an economic consulting firm in Washington, DC. I love my job because I get to work with teams of colleagues at multiple levels to conduct research, analyze large data sets, and leverage statistical tools to tackle complex economic problems. As students in the University Honors Program, your critical thinking and problem-solving skills are likely a great fit for our organization, which leverages these abilities to address real-world issues.

We are currently recruiting students interested in full-time and internship positions and would love to connect with you during the upcoming information session on Tuesday, September 22nd.

Why Bates White?

  • Our Summer Consultant Program was ranked the #1 consulting internship program by Vault in 2019! Click here to see what makes our program such a great experience.
  • We invest in you! From day 1, our Consultants and Summer Consultants receive an assigned mentor, take part in intense technical training sessions, and have access to continual learning through internal brown-bag lunches and external resources such as DataCamp. See here for more on the Consultant experience.
  • We love our collegial and collaborative culture! Check out this video to see what makes Bates White such a fun place to work.
  • We are committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive workplace. At Bates White, everyone matters. We recognize the value in diversity and celebrate our differences.

Please feel free to check out the attached flyers, or come see us at the information session to learn more. Interested in joining our team? Applications are due Sunday, September 27thapply here when you’re ready.

We look forward to connecting with you soon. Thanks for your time, and please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions!

Information Session

Tuesday, September 22

7:00 – 8:15 pm

Please register online to attend

Application Deadline

Sunday, September 27

Due at 11:59 pm

Please apply via our website

Webinars with Interview Tips

October 6, 12:00 – 1:30 pm

October 12, 4:00 – 5:30 pm

Please register online to attend


Consulting Job Opportunity at CAPCO

Hi everyone! It is recruitment season at Capco and based on the skills and qualifications that we are looking for in new Associates, we think that the members of the University Honors Program are a great pool of candidates for our program!

Capco is a management consulting firm based in NYC, Washington DC, Chicago, Orlando and Charlotte. We focus primarily on the financial services industry with our foot in the energy and insurance practices as well. We are an innovative, forward thinking, startup-esque company and we are excited about recruiting at GW this year!

This marks Capco’s 5th year engaging the GWU community to provide career panels, information sessions, and recruiting opportunities. Please check out our job attachment and apply to Capco’s Generalist ATP job posting on Handshake here ( if you are interested!

Our Associate Talent Program (ATP) starts off with an intensive developmental training to ensure that you are prepared for consulting in financial services. From basic coding in SQL to public speaking sessions, Associates are equipped with all the skills they need to become successful. Our program provides you with a strong foundation of consulting methodologies, enterprise technology standards, and personal brand development on which to build and see growth in your career within the Capco family. No formal consulting experience or financial services experience is required to apply.

For any questions about our ATP and recruiting process, please contact our team at:

Win $500(!!!) for Research with the SURE Award

Did you know that Honors students have the opportunity to win up to $500 for their research? It’s true!  Apply to the UHP/Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award (SURE) and we might just cut you a check.

Any current Honors Program student who is engaged in research may compete for an individual grant of up to $500 to support his or her research activities. Activities may include (but are not limited to) the purchase of research equipment or supplies; registration and travel expenses for conference presentations; travel to libraries or archives; and videography costs associated with the documentation of performances.

One former winner shares their story on how they used their SURE funding to study the intersection of science and religion here.

The application includes:

  1. Statement of Purpose
  2. Proposed Budget detailing how the funds will be used
  3. GW Faculty Statement of support

The possibilities are endless, but the deadline to apply funding (to be used this fall, spring 2021, or summer 2021) is Friday, October 9th. If you have questions, please reach out to

Cornerstone Research open Analyst and Summer Analyst positions

Cornerstone Research is recruiting on campus this fall to fill open Analyst and Summer Analyst positions. Cornerstone Research is an economic and financial consulting firm that provides expert testimony in high-profile litigation cases. Please join us virtually for our upcoming events.

We will be on campus for the following:

  • Information Session, September 9th 7 – 8:30 PM, register via Handshake and let us know you’re coming here
  • Careers in Economics, September 10th, 4 – 5 PM, GW Economics Department event
  • Career Fair, September 11th, 12 – 3, register for group and one-on-one sessions via Handshake and let us know you’re coming here
  • Career Week: Peer in Residence Coffee Chats, September 16th, 9 – 1, register via Handshake

Cornerstone would like to invite interested students at GW to apply for our Analyst and Summer Analyst positions.  Detailed descriptions of the roles can be found on our website:

Please be aware of the application deadlines below.

  • Analyst:  September 20th at 11:59 pm
  • Summer Analyst:  September 27th at 11:59 pm

As a quick introduction to our firm and culture, Cornerstone:

  • Recruits students from all majors; we find that our most successful analysts have a demonstrated interest in research and desire to learn complex economic and financial concepts
  • Works across industries including antitrust, healthcare, finance, intellectual property, and securities and has a generalist model that provides analysts with opportunities across sectors
  • Maintains a positive work-life balance, supporting our diverse staff, with a strong analyst culture

This, combined with the firm’s long-standing relationships with our clients, makes Cornerstone an ideal place to start a career.  Analysts from Cornerstone often go on to top M.B.A., J.D., or Ph.D. graduate programs or proceed directly into technology, business, finance, or nonprofit work.

In addition, this year we will be hosting a virtual case competition for undergraduate students.  The case competition is an opportunity for students to develop teamwork skills, showcase their analytical skills, and gain experience with the types of cases that we work on at Cornerstone Research.  Additionally, participants will gain greater exposure with people at the firm.  The kickoff meeting for the case competition will be on Thursday, September 10th at 6:30pm, please see the attached flyer for more information, or reach out to Alexis Cirrotti ( with any questions.