We’re also fans of Halloween! That’s why we had an awesome Halloween Party last Friday. If you weren’t able to make it, check out the pictures of the event.
If you’re itching for a little voting that an absentee ballot didn’t fix, check out this link to look at, and vote for, the best pumpkins!
Vote by liking the pumpkin(s) you like best in the album.
Shameless begging to get your friends to vote for your pic is fine — just make sure they know to “like” the photo in our album (and not accidentally “like” a re-share or re-post. HEY WE DIDN’T MAKE FACEBOOK, WE JUST HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT.)
While we’re always a fan of you liking our content (speaking of which, you should like us on facebook to keep getting great updates and important information), votes must be cast by 10am on Monday, November 5th to count. Remember, just like a regular election, if you don’t vote by the time the polls close, your opinion won’t be heard. So vote now!
The winner of this contest doesn’t get to be president, but they do win a prize!
Category: General News
Candy! Carving! Cool Kids!
The UHP is having our annual Pumpkin Carving at the Foggy Bottom Townhouse tomorrow from 2-5pm. We’ll bid adeui to summer, welcome fall and ignore the fact that winter is barreling down on us with the force of a thousand trains.
Honors will provide the warm drinks and tasty treats, you provide a pumpkin or $5 to buy one of ours. Whole Foods has a really stellar gourd collection out right now, you really have to check it out. RSVP here (http://www.facebook.com/events/103813133112898/) so we know to expect you.
We’ll watch Halloween movies, eat Halloween candy and try to defeat last year’s reigning champions of pumpkin carving competitions.
Good luck, and may the gourds be ever in your favor.
The UHP Research Workshop
Via urlm.in/pfbf
Tired of getting just “good” grades on your research papers?
Can’t find the perfect source for your work?
Swamped in databases and journals?
Continue reading “The UHP Research Workshop”
Embark On a Journey with a Nobel Laureate
Have you seen the course Science & Medicine: A Priceless Journey? It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to which UHPers have privileged access. Don’t miss out! More information below, and at the UHP course offerings under 5700’s. Continue reading “Embark On a Journey with a Nobel Laureate”
Pretty Pumpkin Painting
And carving! Come to the UHP Foggy Bottom Townhouse on Friday, October 27th to get your Fall on! Drink some sweet apple cider, eat some Halloween oreos, stuff yourself with candy and enjoy all your favorite Halloween movies! While you’re at it, carve a pumpkin that looks like your roommate, take a photo of it, win a prize, revel in your victory, take a nap. That last part should be done on your own time, cause the Halloween fun never stops in the townhouse!
The party is from 2-5 with a strict BYOP or BYO$5 policy to buy one of our pumpkins. Or you can just come and critique your peers, Simon Cowell style. Definitely bring any carving tools if you have them because our kits aren’t made for these mighty DC pumpkin breeds. We can’t wait to see you there!
Let us know you are coming by RSVPing here! http://www.facebook.com/events/103813133112898/
Pumpkin Carving!
As the great Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “If you won’t carve the pumpkins, who will?” The UHP is sad and lonely without Halloween decorations, spooky movies and beautifully crafted pumpkin art, but not for long! On Friday, October 26th, bring $5 or your own pumpkin to the Foggy Bottom Townhouse and carve it up. We’ll provide some carving kits, but they are notoriously unreliable, so if you have your own kit, bring em!
What’s one thing that isn’t unreliable? The delicious coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider and tasty, spoooky treats we’ll provide!
Watch Liz do Thriller!
Watch Catherine carve a pumpkin into the shape of her baby!
RSVP here!
Interested in Entering Health Professions?
If you’re a student interested in pursuing a career in the health fields, GW has a new advising program especially for you: Health Professions Advising.
There are two Health Professions Advisors at GW:
- Amy Serridge (advises students whose last names begin with the letters A-K)
- Sarah Krauss (advises students whose last names begin with the letters L-Z)
The Health Professions Advisors are housed in the Pre-Professional Advising Office in Smith Hall 118.
Last Chance for Four Year Plan [Freshmen]
Freshmen, this is the last week to make a Four Year Plan (PDF) appointment, do it now!
If you’re not already scheduled for an appointment you better hop to it. After this Friday, Catherine and Liz will be busy helping people schedule (and boy will you wish you had your Four Year Plan done at that point, trust us!) Make an appointment now!
Need some inspiration? You can always reach out to other UHPers at our Facebook page, email uhpspa@gwu.edu, or make two appointments for yourself!
Intending to Graduate?
Here’s our last call, seniors.
If you’re graduating this December, let us know.
If Obama and Romney Can Do It….. [Freshmen]
Freshmen, you need a four year plan! Appointment spots for Catherine and Liz are filling up quickly! Make your Four Year Plan (PDF) appointment right now
before it’s too late and you’re locked out!
If you’re feeling stumped on your Four Year Plan, you might be able to get some guidance here.
Your best bet: make your appointment right now, don’t wait until you’re done with your four year plan to make the appointment!