Submit a Post to the UHP Blog

This is why there's that math question on the form.
This is why there’s that math question on the form.

If you’ve got something you’d like to share with the UHP, use the submit a post page!
Student groups, programs at GWU, internship postings to replace your spot at the end of the semester, events you think other Honors students would like — it can all be submitted there!
But that’s not all.  This is the Honors Program blog, and that means that students in the Honors Program should be on it!  If you’re an Honors student and you’ve got something to say, let’s hear it!  This blog isn’t just for telling news to students, it’s for students to speak too.
So crack those knuckles and start typing.

Submit a post now!

Hey, You Should Really Be In Honors!

advice-featured-520x363If you’ve got friends that would make a good fit for the University Honors Program, be a friend to them and let them know about sophomore admission to the UHP!
Students can apply to the UHP during the second semester of their freshmen year.  Make sure they don’t miss the application by having them sign up for an information request at our website.
Signing up for that list will get you one or two emails in the early spring semester notifying when the internal application to the Honors Program is available.  We won’t abuse any emails and promise not to sell it to spammers.
When it comes time to apply, second-semester students will need a letter of rec from GWU faculty and a writing sample among other things.  Some good advice for prospective applicants: build a relationship with a professor, and do some excellent writing.
And of course, signing up for the sophomore admit info request list is a sure fire way to make sure the application doesn’t get missed.

Freshmen: Honors Advising Workshop Follow-Up

Are you a freshman who missed the Honors Advising Workshop last Friday? Make a 15-minute appointment with Catherine as soon as possible to cover what you missed.
For those who attended, we hope you’ll all remember the words of the Honors faculty as you consider your goals for your time at GW, and Catherine will be meeting with you all in your Origins discussion sections soon to discuss setting goals and making a four year plan!
Here are some things you can do right now to keep you on the right track:

  1. Read through your Student Handbook (PDF)
  2. Check out the bio page of at least two Student Peer Advisors (SPA)
  3. Sign up for the Honors hike at Theodore Roosevelt Island
  4. If you haven’t met your school advisor yet, make an appointment
  5. Stop by office hours for at least ONE of your Honors professors


Job and Internship Opportunity – Bates White Economic Consulting

Bates White Economic Consulting is recruiting!
Bates White LLC is an economic consulting firm located by McPherson square.  While Bates White is an economic consulting firm it strives to recruit all majors to work in their diverse practice areas (examples include: Healthcare, Energy and Antitrust). If you think you might be interested in a problem-solving-based quantitative job upon graduation, or just want to learn what economic consulting is all about, please come check them out!
Case Interview Workshop:
Wed Sept 18 from 5-6:30pm in Duques 553
(There will be an opportunity to chat with 2 recent GW UHP graduates who now work for Bates White)
Deadline: Sun Sept 22
The application and job description can be found at
While they are currently recruiting seniors who plan to fill full time positions next summer/fall they also have one of the top ranked consulting internship programs in the country,  according to, and sophomores or juniors should attend the case workshop if they have interest in possibly working with Bates White in the future, or just want some early case interview experience!
Job Details:


Make an Appointment Online

If you need to speak with Catherine for some Honors advising to set your schedule, say adios before going abroad, or just in general calm your nerves, make an appointment online!
Without an appointment, you won’t be able to see Catherine.  There’s only one Catherine, but the UHP has two offices (on two campuses) – so it’s super important to schedule your appointments.
The good news is it’s really easy to make an appointment right now! Just click on the owl, Franny Dee! (That’s BIG Franny Dee, btw.  Not the award granting Lil’ Franny Dee.)
Catherine will be in Foggy Bottom on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  She’ll be on the Mt. Vernon Campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays!

Join GW at the Kalb Report Taping [Recommended Event]

GW will launch the 20th season of its highly acclaimed public television and radio series The Kalb Report on Tuesday evening, August 27, at the The National Press Club. The event will commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and will feature civil rights legends John Lewis, Andrew Young and Julian Bond, as well as PBS NewsHour anchor Gwen Ifill. Moderator Marvin Kalb covered the event for Walter Cronkite and CBS News. Now, 50 years later, this distinguished group will explore the impact of the day, the role of the press in the Civil Rights Movement, lessons learned, and how they can be applied in the digital age. For more information and free tickets, visit

Freshmen: Go to Honors Advising Workshop

Hello Honors freshmen!  The best way to start your college experience is by knowing what to expect (and what’s expected of you!) That’s why we’re having an Honors Advising Workshop on Friday, August 30th from 2-4pm in Ames B101 (on the Mt. Vernon Campus).
At the HAW we’ll cover all the basics — what your professors expect from you, what you can expect from your Honors courses, how to maintain good standing in the Honors Program, and more.  Plus, you’ll get to meet faculty, staff, and the Student Peer Advisors! We’ll also have some super sweet, exclusive Honors gear for you. You’ll love it!

We thought you might feel this way.
We thought you might feel this way.

If you have to miss it (and we know some of you will), then the best thing to do is make an appointment with Catherine to catch up on what you missed (and get your free Honors gear.)