Apply to be an Honors Student Peer Advisor!

pointing-cat-copyStudent Peer Advisors (SPA) are dedicated to serving the UHP community by actively engaging with current and prospective UHP students, planning events, and representing the UHP as a whole. If you’re interested in helping others succeed and improving your Honors Program,  apply now to become a SPA! SPA members help fellow students with course selection, time management and extracurriculars, four year planning, study abroad options as well as provide a student perspective of the UHP to prospective students and parents.
Interested? Apply now to become a Student Peer Advisor. The application deadline is March 3. For questions regarding the application, please contact Catherine Chandler at Decisions will be announced by March 21.

Research Days: Your Turn in the Spotlight

UHPers, we know you’re busy bees with research.  Between exciting classes, your senior thesis work, and the results of  SURE funding, we know a bunch of you are out there right now doing exciting research.
But don’t keep your excellence all to yourself.  Share it with the world!
You have until February 23rd to submit abstracts to GW Research Days 2014. It’s a great opportunity to present on the great work you’re doing!
Don’t dilly-dally, you need to represent the UHP!  Submit your abstract to GW Research Days 2014 by February 23rd, 2014!

Study Space in the UHP Townhouse

We meant "there is room for you to study," but if you want to study space in your study space, that's welcome.
We meant “there is room for you to study,” but if you want to study space in your study space, that’s welcome.

The Honors townhouse in Foggy Bottom has two big rooms that are great places to study.  While we don’t keep the rooms stocked with tasty treats like we do during “official” study hours, students are welcome to study in either the Club Room or the basement conference room any time Monday through Friday, 9am through 5pm.
(That is of course, so long as the room is free and open!  Check with the front desk before you settle in just to be sure!)

Last Chance for Honors Sophomore Housing

Your fabulous new home?
Your fabulous new home?

The deadline to sign up for honors sophomore housing in Amsterdam Hall next year is THIS Thursday, February 6th!  Don’t miss out!
You may request desired roommates if you wish. All roommates must be members of the Honors Program and each roommate must submit a separate form – no one can be signed up by proxy. Students can apply for sophomore housing individually to be placed in a quad with other students that applied individually or in groups smaller than 4.
To apply: submit the sophomore Honors housing application, available right now online, by Thursday, February 6th, 2014 at the stroke of midnight. Spots are limited, and housing assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Those assigned to Honors housing will be notified via email shortly thereafter and their names will be submitted to GW Housing Programs.
Please note that different dorms have different prices, you can find a list for housing rates here. Only sign up for housing with the UHP if you actually intend to live there.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or 994-6816.

Alpha Kappa Psi [Student Org Profile]

This post is written by UHPer and SPA member Kaley Pomerantz.

Brothers and the former Chairman of the SEC, Elisse B. Walters, at one of our professional events last Spring

What’s up UHP?! How’s your spring semester going? What’s the deal with this DC weather?? Ok, enough will the small talk- time to get down to business!
And of course my favorite way to get down to business is with ALPHA KAPPA PSI! Alpha Kappa Psi, also known as AKPsi is a professional co-ed business fraternity on campus! It is also the oldest and largest business fraternity in the world!!
AKPsi is open to ALL majors! In addition to Business, we have brothers in the GW chapter majoring in International Affairs, Political Communication, Public Health, and Engineering, just to name a few.
I rushed AKPsi in the spring semester of my freshman year and it was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made at GW! I’ve made some of my best friends, had some extremely fun times, and grown immensely as a business professional.
What I love about AKPsi is the balance between professional and social activities. We hold numerous events and workshops with interesting speakers and insight on the professional world. For me, the best professional development has come from being a part of such a large network of successful individuals. I frequently get emails about job and internship leads (I heard about my current internship through an AKPsi email!). I also love talking to brothers about jobs/internships they’ve had and what their career aspirations are because it helps me figure out what I’m interested in. I know I can always count on my brothers if I need help with my resume, practicing for an interview, or simply figuring out the difference between Business Professional and Business Casual!
Great times at Relay for Life!
Great times at Relay for Life!

AKPsi is not only professional—we’re very social too! Some of our social events include going to National’s games, ice skating, and going to restaurants. We also include some fun similar aspects that regular Greek organizations have, such as Big/Little week and formals. Even when we’re just hanging out, I always have a good time with the bros!
If you’d like to learn more about AKPsi, or I’ve already convinced you that this is the student org for you, come to our Rush events over the next couple of weeks! The Rush schedule is posted below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions (My email is! You can also check us out on Facebook.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with a fun fact! AKPsi is a co-ed organization, but since it was originally founded as a fraternity, all members are considered “brothers.” Man, do I love being a frat bro!
We have an info session on Tuesday at 7pm, and our official Rush events begin on Thursday at 7pm!

Tell the UHP You're Graduating

graduLet the Honors Program know you intend to graduate this semester!
For those of you graduating this spring, we need your Graduation Form by Friday, January 31st.
The Graduation Form is an online form that should take you about 5 minutes to complete.
When you fill out this form, it lets us know to contact you about getting your gold graduation cords and tickets for our VIP reception during commencement weekend.  Don’t miss out!

Sophomore Housing in Amsterdam Hall

Your fabulous new home?
Your fabulous new home?

Living in the UHP community as a sophomore is a great way to lock down your space and roommates. Plus this year’s dorm is going to be awesome!
For the 2014-2015 academic year, we are pleased to offer a group of quads in Amsterdam Hall as our sophomore Honors housing community!
You may request desired roommates if you wish. All roommates must be members of the Honors Program and each roommate must submit a separate form – no one can be signed up by proxy. Students can apply for sophomore housing individually to be placed in a quad with other students that applied individually or in groups smaller than 4.
To apply: submit the sophomore Honors housing application, available right now online, by Thursday, February 6th, 2014 at the stroke of midnight. Spots are limited, and housing assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. Those assigned to Honors housing will be notified via email shortly thereafter and their names will be submitted to GW Housing Programs.
Please note that different dorms have different prices, you can find a list for housing rates here. Only sign up for housing with the UHP if you actually intend to live there.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or 994-6816.

Tell Your Friends: Apply to the UHP

color-logo-copyFreshmen in their second semester can apply to join the Honors Program. The deadline is February 14th, 2014.
Students accepted will start in the UHP the beginning of their sophomore year, and are required to take a special class during the fall 2014 semester.
If you’re not in the UHP and you want to be, please apply!  If you’re already in the UHP — we know you’ve got friends that would be perfect for the UHP, so encourage them to apply!
More details below; find the application here.
When/where/how to apply?
Applications are available online.  Complete it and return it to the UHP Office at 714 21st Street NW by 5pm on February 14th, 2014.
What are the requirements to apply?
The specific application materials are described in the application.  Second-semester freshmen with strong GPAs should apply — the UHP requires its students to maintain GPAs high enough so that it’s mathematically possible to graduate with a 3.4.  Please note that student schedules must allow for the student to take HONR 2016 Enlightenment East & West in fall 2014.
When are decisions announced?
We’ll notify applicants this semester, before registration.