Last Chance for $500 [SURE Award]

research_word_in_dictionary_magnified_sepiaDid you know that Honors students have the exclusive opportunity to win up to $500 for their research? It’s true!  Apply to the UHP/Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award (SURE) and we might just cut you a check.
We know “Undergraduate Research Enhancement” doesn’t sound that exciting (well, to most people at least, but you areUHPers), but what you can actually do with that money is amazing.  Some of last year’s winners used the funds to create anearly warning device to detect seizures, fund focus groups to learn how television affects political beliefs, and to question the foundations of Hollywood.
The possibilities are endless, but the deadline to apply for funds in the 2014 is Friday, September 27th, 2013.

Apply Now

Who: All UHP Students
What: Research of any kind, in any subject. For a course or for fun, it’s up to you!
When: Spring, Summer,  and/or Fall of 2014
How Much: Up to $500 in research funds per individual winner.
Why: Settle unanswered questions from class; test your interest in a field; set yourself apart in job and grad applications; get the money you need to do the research you want!

Students can apply for grants in support of their research up to the amount of $500 for such needs as (but not limited to) equipment or supplies, travel costs to libraries or conferences, or image rights.  Funds are available to support research activities conducted during the spring, summer, and/or fall semesters of 2012, and applications are due September, 27, 2014.
To Apply: Complete this online form. 
**PLEASE NOTE** You must have a faculty member submit a statement of support.  Send them the link included in the confirmation page of the online form.

Got more questions?  Leave a comment or contact Catherine Chandler at for more information

3 Seats Left – Breakfast with the Director!


Got questions, concerns, or great ideas for the Honors Program? Then sign up to have breakfast with Maria Frawley, Executive Director of the University Honors Program. We’ll bring the food, you bring your good ideas.

714 21st Street, NW — UHP Club Room at the Foggy Bottom Campus
Monday, September 30th at 10am
Expect bagels and pastries for breakfast.
This event is for students in the Honors Program only.

Honors Students: Sign up Here

Four-Year Plan Freshmen Advising Workshops!

Calling all freshmen! Join your SPA in the Club Room of the Foggy Bottom townhouse for a workshop regarding your four-year plans.
We’ll be talking about how to go about formulating a four-year plan, why four-year plans are so important, and how to use your four-year plan to help guide you through the trials and tribulations that is selecting classes for each semester.
This workshop will be offered several times throughout this week and next:

  • Thursday, September 19th from 4:00pm-5:00pm
  • Friday, September 20th from 12:00pm-1:00pm
  • Monday, September 23rd from 11:00am-12:00pm
  • Wednesday, September 25th from 5:00pm-6:00pm
  • Thursday, September 26th from 11:00am-12:00pm

Sign up for the time that works best for you here.

Whether you haven’t even thought about your four-year plan yet or your have ten different versions of it already, don’t worry! Come talk to your SPA and we’ll make sure you figure out a four-year plan that works for you!
Remember, you have to have a completed 4-year plan (and a 30-minute appointment!) done before October 25th, 2014!

Submit a Post to the UHP Blog

This is why there's that math question on the form.
This is why there’s that math question on the form.

If you’ve got something you’d like to share with the UHP, use the submit a post page!
Student groups, programs at GWU, internship postings to replace your spot at the end of the semester, events you think other Honors students would like — it can all be submitted there!
But that’s not all.  This is the Honors Program blog, and that means that students in the Honors Program should be on it!  If you’re an Honors student and you’ve got something to say, let’s hear it!  This blog isn’t just for telling news to students, it’s for students to speak too.
So crack those knuckles and start typing.

Submit a post now!

Roommate Agreements and Getting Real [Ask the Sherpa]

Sherpa, the Sherpa

Dear Sherpa,
I’m a freshmen living in West Hall. This week, we’re making roommate agreements and I’m feeling a little uncomfortable. I’m worried that I might offend people if I say what I really want, because then they’ll know that what they’re doing bothers me. I’m also scared that I’ll be judged for asking for some things (quiet hours starting at 11pm, for instance.) Are roommate agreements even that important? I feel way too stressed for this. What should I do?
Anxious to Agree

Dear Anxious to Agree,
Thanks for writing, especially about such an important subject. First off, take advantage of the opportunity to put everything on the table, and set your room on the path to success. You shouldn’t ignore your roommate agreement or move too quickly through it. A lot of good friendships have been lost over living together, and that’s a terrible thing. Friendships are the most valuable ships. Because they’re made of gold.
Making a roommate agreement for your swanky West Hall apartment-palace is a cakewalk compared to what I had to go through last summer, but perhaps I can offer some helpful advice from the trenches.
While starring on Real World: Tegucigalpa, I learned a lot of life lessons: never trust a man with fourteen fingers, don’t drink dirty water, and always, always take your earrings off before fighting any wildlife.
But the most important lesson I learned was how to live with different personalities. For example, Stefanie wanted to have friends over at all hours of the day and night. We discussed sleep schedules and landed on a couple of times when I would prefer the house to be quieter. Similarly, when Brock tried to turn the house into a tropical retreat for former convicts, all the roommates had to sit down and reach a compromise. At first, I didn’t want any convicts, but eventually, I realized I was being unreasonable. Once Brock and I could put aside our differences and worked together constructively, we agreed to open our home only to petty thieves and those who were really, really convinced of their innocence.
Real World taught me to speak up for what was important to me, but also to listen to my roommates and try to understand their perspective. Like my arch-nemesis Terrell said before he threw all of my clothes into the pool because I punched his pet turtle, “open and honest communication is the key to a strong relationship.”
Be brave, be bold and be honest. Remember that you don’t have to stop being polite to start getting real. In the end, it’s better to have one slightly awkward roommate discussion than a year of being miserable, right? And remember, it could be worse. You could be living with sleep-murdering Sherrie, or, worse, bad-breath Brock.

Hey, You Should Really Be In Honors!

advice-featured-520x363If you’ve got friends that would make a good fit for the University Honors Program, be a friend to them and let them know about sophomore admission to the UHP!
Students can apply to the UHP during the second semester of their freshmen year.  Make sure they don’t miss the application by having them sign up for an information request at our website.
Signing up for that list will get you one or two emails in the early spring semester notifying when the internal application to the Honors Program is available.  We won’t abuse any emails and promise not to sell it to spammers.
When it comes time to apply, second-semester students will need a letter of rec from GWU faculty and a writing sample among other things.  Some good advice for prospective applicants: build a relationship with a professor, and do some excellent writing.
And of course, signing up for the sophomore admit info request list is a sure fire way to make sure the application doesn’t get missed.

Study Your Passion, Get $500 To Do It [SURE Award]

Did you know that Honors students have the exclusive opportunity to win up to $500 for their research? It’s true!  Apply to the UHP/Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award (SURE) and we might just cut you a check.
We know “Undergraduate Research Enhancement” doesn’t sound that exciting (well, to most people at least, but you are UHPers), but what you can actually do with that money is amazing.  Some of last year’s winners used the funds to create an early warning device to detect seizures, fund focus groups to learn how television affects political beliefs, and to question the foundations of Hollywood.
The possibilities are endless, but the deadline to apply for funds in the 2014 is Friday, September 27th, 2013.

Apply Now

Who: All UHP Students
What: Research of any kind, in any subject. For a course or for fun, it’s up to you!
When: Spring, Summer,  and/or Fall of 2014
How Much: Up to $500 in research funds per individual winner.
Why: Settle unanswered questions from class; test your interest in a field; set yourself apart in job and grad applications; get the money you need to do the research you want!

Students can apply for grants in support of their research up to the amount of $500 for such needs as (but not limited to) equipment or supplies, travel costs to libraries or conferences, or image rights.  Funds are available to support research activities conducted during the spring, summer, and/or fall semesters of 2012, and applications are due September, 27, 2014.
To Apply: Complete this online form. 
**PLEASE NOTE** You must have a faculty member submit a statement of support.  Send them the link included in the confirmation page of the online form.

Got more questions?  Leave a comment or contact Catherine Chandler at for more information.

Hike with the Honors Program!

Join TR and the UHP for a day of fun!
Join TR and the UHP for a day of fun!

Already getting sick of the city life? Eager to discover one of DC’s hidden gems? Love the smell of the Potomac in the morning? Hike with the Honors Program!
On Saturday, September 21st, the Honors Program is hosting a free hike with your classmates, professors and certified TRAiLS guides. We’re going to Theodore Roosevelt Island, an island in the Potomac River!
We’ll leave the Foggy Bottom townhouse at 10 am, and the hike should last a few hours, returning to campus in the early afternoon. Whether you are a professional hiker or have never left the confines of the city, come out, enjoy the fall sunshine and get to know UHPers outside the classroom. We’ll provide lunch and guides, you provide insightful questions and witty banter.

Sign up here!

Make an Appointment Online

If you need to speak with Catherine for some Honors advising to set your schedule, say adios before going abroad, or just in general calm your nerves, make an appointment online!
Without an appointment, you won’t be able to see Catherine.  There’s only one Catherine, but the UHP has two offices (on two campuses) – so it’s super important to schedule your appointments.
The good news is it’s really easy to make an appointment right now! Just click on the owl, Franny Dee! (That’s BIG Franny Dee, btw.  Not the award granting Lil’ Franny Dee.)
Catherine will be in Foggy Bottom on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays.  She’ll be on the Mt. Vernon Campus on Tuesdays and Wednesdays!