Sign up for Food for Thought Today!

Professor David Fontana on

“Government by Location”


Join the UHP for lunch to discuss Prof. Fontana’s research on the importance of location in governance. What if we moved the capital of the United States to Wyoming instead of Washington? Or what if we moved the Congress to San Francisco and kept the White House in Washington? Where government is located is a big part of how government operates, and Professor Fontana will talk about the many reasons that is the case.

March 21st at 12:30pm in Ames 101

Sign up Today!

Important Registration Information

Registration Day
Fall registration is just around the corner!  Please pay close attention to the following registration guidelines!  Registration begins each day at 7:00 a.m. and closes at 10:00 p.m.
Fall 2014 Early Registration Schedule
***Friday, March 21: UHP Freshmen (Privileged Registration)

March 24


90 or more hours (credits) earned

March 25


70 or more hours (credits) earned

March 26


50 or more hours (credits) earned

March 27


30 or more hours (credits) earned

March 28


Less than 30 hours (credits) earned

Advising Hold Removal Schedule
While all honors students are encouraged to see an Honors Program Officer before registration, Columbian College students who have not declared a major MUST meet with one of the Program Officers to remove your advising hold BEFORE registration.  Show up with this form filled out!
Make sure you are prepared with a tentative course schedule using the Fall 2014 Schedule of Classes and Honors course offerings.  As new course information and revisions become available we will update the website.  Please re-check the information on the Schedule of Classes and the Honors site before you register to ensure that you’re up-to-date!
Please use our wide selection of dates to your advantage – plan on meeting with an advisor at a time that is most practical given your registration date.  Students may discuss registration and remove advising hold by one of the following options:
1.  Attend an advising party:
Monday, March 17th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. – pizza in the lounge on the 3rd floor of West Hall on Mount Vernon!
Wednesday, March 19th from 12 to 2 p.m. – pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom!
Thursday, March 20th from 12 to 2 p.m. – pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom!
2.  Make an appointment with an advisor.
Attention ALL Students: Urgent Hold Information
Check your record via GWeb regarding holds prior to your scheduled registration time.  Any hold on your account will prevent access to registration.
Elliott, Business, and Engineering School students should meet with their school advisors for hold removal, if they have holds, and for registration advising, but are always welcome to Honors advising about their course selection!

Registration advising, CCAS hold removal, and PIZZA!

Pizza! P.I.Z.Z.A.
Pizza! P.I.Z.Z.A.

Get your CCAS advising holds removed and eat for free.  Catherine and Mark can remove advising holds for CCAS students, and are also available to give anyone advice and scheduling help.
If you’re a CCAS student planning to get your advising hold removed by Catherine or Mark, you’ll need to fill out an Advisor Approval Form.
Pizza, Advising, and CCAS Advising Hold Removals

  • Monday, 3/17, 7-9pm in West Hall (one of the Honors floor lounges)
  • Wednesday, 3/19, 12pm-2pm in the UHP Club Room in Foggy Bottom
  • Thursday, 3/20, 12pm-2pm in the UHP Club Room in Foggy Bottom

PS: Want to hear the Olson twins sing about pizza?

SPA Advising Events This Wednesday!

The UHP and your SPA have two advising events this Wednesday at the Foggy Bottom Club Room:
FOR JUNIORS: Senior Requirements Workshop at 2PM. Confused about what you need to do to senior year to fulfill UHP graduation requirements? Come talk with Catherine and some of your senior SPA who are in the process of completing those requirements right now! Get a head start on thinking about what you’ll need to do your senior year and make sure you know what the requirements are so the lead up to graduation goes as smoothly as possible!
FOR UNDERCLASSMEN: UHP requirements beyond freshmen year workshop, at 6:30PM. Freshmen and sophomores don’t need to really start worrying about senior graduation requirements just yet, but between now and the end of senior year you’ve got other UHP requirements to fulfill. Your SPA will walk you through what those requirements are so you can make sure you’re on the right path to get all of your UHP requirements done by graduation!
We know thinking about this stuff can be stressful, but trust us: it’s going to be okay.

Food for Thought with Prof. David Fontana [Free Lunch]


Join the Honors Program for a lunch time discussion on

“Government by Location”

Friday, March 21st at 12:30pm in Ames 101

What if we moved the capital of the United States to Wyoming instead of Washington? Or what if we moved the Congress to San Francisco and kept the White House in Washington? Where government is located is a big part of how government operates, and Professor Fontana will talk about the many reasons that is the case.

Seats are Limited, Reserve Yours Now!

Freshmen Small Group Advising [Sign up!]

The original small group.
The original small group.

It’s time again for small group meetings! Freshmen will meet with Catherine and Mark to go over the pressing matters of these hectic times.
The topics:

  • Registration and Course Selection
  • Remaining Honors requirements (Trust us, you need to hear this!)
  • Declaring your major
  • Study Abroad

Register online for the most convenient time, but hurry, spots are limited and this is mandatory!
Small groups meet the week of March 3rd (next week!).  Specific days and times are available at the online registration page.  Sign up now!

Study Abroad Advice from SPA!

This Friday, February 21st, join your SPA at 2pm in the townhouse Club Room for a study abroad panel. SPA who have been abroad in exotic locales all over the world will be on hand to share their experiences and answer any questions that you have about studying abroad, including:
Should I study abroad?
How do I figure out the right program for me?
Can I study abroad as an Honors Program student?
How will I fit going abroad into my four-year plan?
Come see your SPA on this Friday for answers all to these questions and more!
Matrix meme

Lunch with the Director

LunchMaria Frawley, Director of the University Honors Program will meet with students over lunch for a direct conversation about the University Honors Program.  Bring your questions, concerns, and great ideas for the program! But sign up fast, because seats are limited!
Lunch with the Director: Friday, February 28th at 12pm in the Honors Clubroom in Foggy Bottom (714 21st).
Sign up now! (Students only, please.)

Should I Join That Honors Society? [Throwback]

Put on your reading glasses and quench that curiosity.
Put on your reading glasses and quench that curiosity.

Have you started receiving invitations to different honors societies?   It’s that time of year when many of you may start wondering whether these groups are worth joining.  If you’re unsure, our advice from 2012 may be worth a look.
The long and short is that most of the answers you’ll have to find out for yourself. But, there are a few tips you should know, like the different ways you can receive “honors” and the questions you should ask before joining any society — like if there’s a chapter at GW, or if you have friends who are already members.
Check out the article for more tips and leave your best advice in the comments here.

Apply to be an Honors Student Peer Advisor!

pointing-cat-copyStudent Peer Advisors (SPA) are dedicated to serving the UHP community by actively engaging with current and prospective UHP students, planning events, and representing the UHP as a whole. If you’re interested in helping others succeed and improving your Honors Program,  apply now to become a SPA! SPA members help fellow students with course selection, time management and extracurriculars, four year planning, study abroad options as well as provide a student perspective of the UHP to prospective students and parents.
Interested? Apply now to become a Student Peer Advisor. The application deadline is March 3. For questions regarding the application, please contact Catherine Chandler at Decisions will be announced by March 21.