Join us in the Club Room on Friday, October 14th at 12pm for our first Food for Thought of the semester!
Professor Robert Van Order, professor of finance and economics, will start us off with “Shadow Banking: with an emphasis on China.” The talk will focus first on shadow banking as a concept and a policy issue and second on applications, so far, to China and especially Chinese property values. This is a great topic for students interested in international economics or business!
Lunch will be provided, so please make sure to RSVP as seats (and sandwiches) are limited.
Category: Featured
UHP Trivia Event
Who was the legendary Benedictine monk who invented champagne? Which Shakespeare play features Shylock? What are the two top candy-producing companies in the U.S.?
That’s right, the UHP is hosting a trivia night!
Join us on Friday, September 30th for UHP trivia from 7-10 PM. We’re bringing in a professional trivia host and filling up the Continental Ballroom in the Marvin Center to give YOU the opportunity to show everyone how much stuff you know! I bet you know SO much stuff!
Tables at the event will hold teams of up to 8, and one person can sign up a full team (each person does not need to complete the sign up form). Single players or smaller teams should sign up and will be grouped together to form a full table. Snacks will be provided, as will prizes for the winning table! This event is alcohol free.
Sign up here by Wednesday, 9/28.
Freshman Honors Community Welcome [Event]
Freshman move in is right around the corner, and we are so excited for you to get here! There’s going to be a lot going on your first week at GW, but don’t miss the Honors Community Welcome dinner, exclusively for incoming Honors freshmen, on Wednesday, August 31st from 6-8 PM in Post Hall on the Mount Vernon Campus.
This is going to be a super fun, no-pressure way to get to know your new peers, meet some staff and faculty, and grub on some free dinner! We can’t wait to assimilate – I mean welcome – you to the Honors Program!
The UHP Goes Greek
The following blog post was written by UHPer Sarah Hampton, a sophomore in the Elliott School. This summer she travelled to Greece with HONR 2054, History of Ancient Philosophy, taught by Professor Ralkowski (who took these wonderful photos!).
In preparation for our trip to Greece, my fellow students and I explored the works of some of the greatest ancient philosophers known to man. Studying their work was incredibly different than experiencing the environment that inspired said works, however; we were unaware of how dramatically our interpretations of these philosophers would change. After weeks of becoming familiar with the traditions of ancient philosophy, we boarded the flights that would carry most of us to our first experience with Greek culture.
CYA, or College Year in Athens, welcomed us to Greece by showing us the apartments we were to call home for the next few days. These apartments, positioned right next to an Olympic stadium, introduced us to the combination of history and modernity that is found within Athens. We began our Grecian experience by exploring different ancient sites every morning with Professor Mark Ralkowski. These tours were led by our personal guide, Dr. Angelos Papadopoulos, who exposed us to the intimate details of ancient Greek history that are unknown to those who visit Greece for purely recreational purposes. He deemed us “travelers, not tourists,” and the distinction between these two terms became incredibly evident throughout the duration of our trip.
After exploring ancient sites every morning, we would often find time to discuss the connections between the sites we were visiting and the material we had read in preparation for the trip. Our perceptions of Greek philosophy grew much richer as we were introduced to the smaller intricacies of Grecian life. These conversations allowed us to utilize both academic texts and our first-hand experience in Greece, which transformed them from merely educational conversations to ones that allowed us to truly connect ancient philosophy with the modern world.
Once finished conversing and exploring various sites, we were free to roam the city of Athens and experience Greek culture on our own terms. This aspect of the trip was incredibly educational, for it allowed us to really emerge ourselves into a culture that was completely different from that of our own. We were able to see the difference between the city of Athens and the mountainous region of Delphi as well as the more coastal regions of the Peloponnese. By interacting directly with the Greek culture around us, we were able to bridge the gap between tourists and travelers. We were able to immerse ourselves in the history and culture of another country while simultaneously connecting ancient history with modern phenomena.
The opportunity to learn Greek philosophy while within Greece itself was one that thoroughly impacted myself and my classmates. We developed a newfound appreciation for the global culture and grew in our capabilities as students. This trip provided us with unimaginable opportunities to learn, from discussing the works of Plato on the seats within Plato’s academy, to practicing Socratic debate methods mere meters from the prison in which he was held, and from analyzing the famous Parthenon to playing amongst the rocks at the bottom of the Temple of Poseidon. After directly immersing ourselves into Greek culture, we were profoundly changed as people; this identified us as travelers, rather than simply tourists appreciating culture on a superficial level. We were able to better understand the thought process of the philosophers we had studied, as we were finally able to understand the culture and environment in which their philosophies developed. Greece pushed us to grow not only as students of The George Washington University, but as students of the world as well.
2016 Research Showcase Recap
Last week’s Research Showcase saw presentations from original research performed by UHPers this year.
Eliza Goren‘s research stemmed from her research assistantship with Prof. Josef Przytycki from the Mathematics department. They spent the semester create a program based in knot theory. She helpfully explained knotting and unknotting through DNA transcription, drawing from an interest in DNA that begin with her Scientific Reasoning and Discovery class with Prof. Hammond!
Ben Helfand presented the findings of his senior thesis, researched through the Enosinian Scholars program. Advised by Prof. Nathan Brown, Ben researched the incorporation of human rights laws in constitution and domestic legal system of Tunisia after the Jasmine Revolution. He even travelled to Tunisia with the help of the SURE Award!
Eileen Emerson compared local and national TV and newspaper coverage of the 2015 Baltimore protests after death of Freddie Gray in police custody. Advised by Prof. Kim Gross, she wanted to find out which coverage was more racialized, sensationalized, legitimizing or delegitimizing through language and images. Eileen also is a SURE Award winner!
Pooja Shivaprasad worked on her senior thesis with Prof. Hossein Askari comparing the migration of refugees to oil rich and oil poor countries. Despite the frustrating lack of available data, Pooja found that oil rich countries take in fewer refugees, and that shared borders are more significant than shared language in refugee intake.
Eva Martin considered the UN’s treatment of human trafficking. Advised by Prof. Ingrid Creppell (Deputy Director of the UHP!), Eva developed an ambitious proposal for a dedicated UN Office on human trafficking, combining the resources of various offices on crime and human rights to greater effect.
Congratulations to our presenters for completing an incredible year of research!
Spring 2016 Study Hours
Not pictured: Trader Joe’s snacks as far as the eye can see.
Need a place to study? Come by the Townhouse for extended study hours in the Club Room! We’ll have snacks and coffee (aka “the essentials”) and an overall studying environment that can’t be beat!
Check out the full schedule below:
Friday, April 29th, 5-10pm
Saturday, April 30th, 12-8pm
Sunday, May 1st, 12-8pm
Monday, May 2nd, 5-10pm
Tuesday, May 3rd, 5-10pm
Wednesday, May 4th, 5-10pm
Thursday, May 5th, 5-10pm
Friday, May 6th, 5-10pm
Saturday, May 7th, 12-8pm
Honors Cords, Grad Reception, and the Senior Survey
If you’re graduating, have we got the survey for you! When you complete it, you can pick up your gold honor cord to wear at graduation. You can also pick up your 5 tickets for the UHP Graduating Seniors reception between 5/2 and 5/11. I’m not saying we’re holding your cords and tickets hostage, but I’m also not not saying it.
Here’s what you need to know:
First, complete the senior survey. You can do this online starting today — make sure to follow the link at the very end to submit your name on a separate form! We keep your responses and your name separate so that you can feel free to be honest, but we need to confirm that you’ve completed the survey. That last step is key!
Next, come pick up your golden cord and graduating senior reception tickets at the Foggy Bottom office staring Monday, May 2nd. You can continue to pick up your materials any time during regular business hours (9AM-5PM) after that up until the Wednesday before graduation. We’ll check to make sure you’ve already completed the Senior Survey.
Finally, attend the UHP Graduating seniors reception. We’ll be in the City View Room at 1957 E Street from 5-7pm on Saturday, May 14th, 2016. Please note the reception will feature a cash bar and you will be able to pick up one drink ticket per guest when you check in at the reception. Graduates can also take part in the annual UHP tradition of signing our senior poster. Only students who complete the senior survey by Wednesday, 5/11 will be named on the poster.
Note: CCAS students attending the Undergraduate Degree Programs Celebration #2 at 3:30 will have plenty of time to celebrate at both events!
We look forward to seeing you and your guests at the reception!
Congrats to our Sure Award Winners
Congratulations to winners of the UHP SURE Award for this semester! Students who win the Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award use the funds to further their own research.
Eileen Emerson is working on a thesis with Kim Gross from SMPA on local and national media coverage in print and television during the protests in Baltimore following the death in custody of Freddie Gray. This grew from her interest as a freshmen from the rural South in policy communication in the media and inspired by coverage of racialized protests since the rise of the BlackLivesMatter movement.
Congratulations to our winners. We’ll be following up with them later in the year to check in on their research! If you are pursuing independent research and would be interested in applying for funding, watch out for the SURE Award announcements in the Newsflash next fall!
Spring 2016 Student-Faculty Dinner
The end of the semester is rapidly approaching- papers, exams, presentations- yikes! Fortunately, for us UHPers, semester’s end also marks the arrival of the always-anticipated Student Faculty Dinner. Join us on Thursday, April 28th from 5pm to 7pm at Chalin’s Chinese to gorge on Crab Rangoons and other delectable treats.
Tickets will be on sale beginning THIS Wednesday, 4/13, in the UHP Townhouse, and they’re only $5. That’s cheaper than Chipotle, even without the guac. For less than the cost of a subpar “burrito,” you can enjoy mountains of Chinese food and stimulating conversation with your favorite students, faculty and staff of the UHP. It’s really a win-win situation. Tickets will be on sale until 4 PM on Thursday, 4/28 – after that, you can purchase your ticket at the door at the event. We’ll see you there!
Fall 2016 Registration Essentials
GET EXCITED! It’s almost time to register! But before you can register for next semester’s classes, you have some housekeeping to do. Find out how to get your holds removed and where to find the best courses for you next semester.
Registration Schedule
***Friday, April 1: Honors Freshmen (Privileged Registration)***
April 4
90 or more hours (credits) earned
April 5
70 or more hours (credits) earned
April 6
50 or more hours (credits) earned
April 7
30 or more hours (credits) earned
April 8
0 or more hours (credits) earned
Registration is open from 7AM-10PM.
Sophomores, worried about registering without privileged registration? Read these Peer Advisor words of wisdom.
If you’re not sure when you register, you can check your earned credit hours in GWeb using the following path: Student Records & Registration Menu > Student Records Information Menu > Transcripts > View Unofficial Transcripts. Make sure you’re looking at overall hours earned for the accurate total!
Urgent Hold Information
Check your record via GWeb regarding holds prior to your scheduled registration time. Any hold on your account will prevent access to registration. You can view any holds on your account by looking at: Student Records & Registration Menu > Student Records Information Menu > View Administrative Holds.
Make sure to check now and again in the days lead up to registration. Check early, and check often! BADLY TIMED HOLDS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE. DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU:
*Please note: Sophomores in the Columbian College can meet with an Honors program advisor to have their CCAS Advising holds lifted. Freshmen must meet with their POD advisors.*
Fall Registration Advising
All honors students are encouraged to see a Honors Program Officer before registration. Make sure you are preparedwith a tentative course schedule using the Fall 2016 Schedule of Classes and Honors course descriptions. As new course information and revisions become available we will update the website. Please re-check the information on the Schedule of Classes and the Honors site before you register to ensure that you’re up-to-date!
Please use our wide selection of dates to your advantage – plan on meeting with an advisor at a time that is most practical given your registration date. Students may discuss registration (and remove an advising hold, if applicable) by one of the following options:
- Attend an advising pizza party in the Honors Townhouse Club Room:
Tuesday, March 22nd from 12 to 2 p.m.
Wednesday, March 23rd from 12 to 2 p.m
Monday, March 28th from 4 to 6 p.m.(CANCELLED)
Thursday, March 31st from 12 to 2 p.m - Make an appointment with an advisor online at