Cup Free in the UHP

One of the many little perks of being in the UHP: free coffee and hot chocolate.used_k_cups_at_kamloops_cement_plant-54cb9b341e358

The downside: it’s crazy bad for the environment for us to be handing out all these cups.  (Seriously, we go through a ton.)

The solution:  we’re going cup free!

Or, actually, you’re going cup free.  The UHP staff uses reusable mugs in the office, and we think it’s time that all you earth-conscious UHPers got on the bandwagon. 

Starting now bring your own travel mugs, and water bottles to the UHP office for all the drinks you care to drink!

Fall 2016 Student-Faculty Dinner

The end of the semester is rapidly approaching- papers, exams, presentations- yikes! Fortunately, for us UHPers, semester’s end also marks the arrival of the always-anticipated Student Faculty Dinner. Join us on Tuesday, December 13th from 5pm to 7pm at Chalin’s Chinese to gorge on Crab Rangoons and other delectable treats.
Crab Rangoons
Tickets will be on sale beginning THIS Friday, 12/2, in the UHP Townhouse, and they’re only $5. That’s cheaper than Chipotle, even without the guac. For less than the cost of a subpar “burrito,” you can enjoy mountains of Chinese food and stimulating conversation with your favorite students, faculty and staff of the UHP. It’s really a win-win situation. Tickets will be on sale until 4 PM on Tuesday, 12/13 – after that, you can purchase your ticket at the door at the event. We’ll see you there!

Congratulations to our SURE Award Winners!

462x275xSUREAward.jpg.pagespeed.ic.Lw85ckwpFwCongratulations to winners of the UHP SURE Award for the spring 2017 semester!  Students who win the Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award use the funds to further their own research under faculty supervision.
These UHPers will be sharing more about their research experiences toward the end of the spring semester, so keep an eye out to learn more about their work!

  • Scott Barnes, “Collaborative Robotics Optimization,” mechanical engineering
  • Danielle Cohen, “Can Women Have It All? An Experiment on the Challenges of Running for Office with Young Children,” political science
  • Rose Lieberman, “Mitomycin C affects the migration of Human Corneal Limbal Epithelial Cells,” biology
  • Lacy Myrman, “Shared Identities and Displacement: Rwandese Perceptions of Burundian Refugees,” international affairs and Africana studies
  • Maggie O’Connor, “Fair Trade: Successes and Shortcomings for Indigenous Peoples,” international affairs
  • Emily Richard, “Subclinical Eating Disorder Traits as Correlated with Cortical Structure,” psychology

November Freshman Small Group Meetings

We’ll be discussing:

  • Planning for summer
  • Student feedback for courses
  • Research opportunities
  • Revisiting priorities/time management
  • Upperclass Honors housing, including a tour of the Honors affinity in District House
  • And more!

As always, you can register online for the most convenient time.  But do it now, you busy, busy people, because spots always fill up quickly.
Small Groups will meet next week of November 14th – specific days and times are available at the online registration page.  Sign up now!

Food for Thought w/ Prof. Saidel

Food for ThoughtJoin us in the Club Room for our second Food for Though of the semester on Friday, November 18th at 12PM!
Professor Eric Saidel of the philosophy department will discuss “How Not to Solve the Mind-Body Problem.” How are the mind and body related?  There seem to be four possible answers to this question.  The problem is that each answer is demonstrably wrong.  This talk will start by discussing these answers and finish by suggesting a different way of approaching the problem.
Lunch will be provided, so please make sure to RSVP as seats (and sandwiches) are limited.

Spring 2017 Research Assistantships

Professors looking for research assistantships for spring 2017 projects are listed below. Click through the title to learn more about the project, including instructions for applying. Please reach out to Catherine at if you are interested in doing a research assistantship for credit.

Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowship

The Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowships are part of the Columbian College’s efforts to encourage undergraduate research at the university. The Luther Rice Fellows have earned a reputation as being among the brightest CCAS students. If you’re a CCAS student with a research question or project that you are passionate about, definitely consider applying!
This fellowship program invites students from all disciplines to submit faculty-mentored research proposals for the 2016-17 academic year. Students who are selected will receive $3,000 – $5,000 and the faculty mentor will be given an additional $1,000. For more information about the program, look here.
The deadline to apply is November 30 for the Fall and and March 1 for the Spring. 
If you have questions, you may reach out to Elizabeth Chacko at or to Paul Hoyt-O’Connor, Director of the Center for Undergraduate Fellowships and Research, at

Spring 2017 Registration Guide

This is not a drill, people. Spring 2017 registration is upon us! But before you can register for next semester’s classes, you have some housekeeping to do.  Find out how to get your holds removed and where to find the best courses for you next semester.
Registration Schedule
*** Thursday, November 3: Freshmen & sophomores (Privileged Registration)

November 4
90 or more hours (credits) earned
November 7
70 or more hours (credits) earned
November 9
50 or more hours (credits) earned
November 10
30 or more hours (credits) earned
November 11
0 or more hours (credits) earned

Registration is open from 7AM-10PM.
Upperclassmen, if you’re not sure when you register, you can check your earned credit hours in GWeb using the following path: Student Records & Registration Menu > Student Records Information Menu > Transcripts > View Unofficial Transcripts. Make sure you’re looking at overall hours earned for the accurate total!
Urgent Hold Information
Check your record via GWeb regarding holds prior to your scheduled registration time.  Any hold on your account will prevent access to registration. You can view any holds on your account by looking at: Student Records & Registration Menu > Student Records Information Menu > View Administrative Holds.
Make sure to check now and again in the days lead up to registration. Check early, and check often! BADLY TIMED HOLDS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE. DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU:registration holds
*Please note: Sophomores in the Columbian College can meet with an Honors program advisor to have their holds lifted. Freshmen must follow directions from their POD advisors.*
Spring Registration Advising
All honors students are encouraged to see a Honors Program Officer before registration. Make sure you are prepared with a tentative course schedule using the Spring 2017 Schedule of Classes and Honors course descriptions. As new course information and revisions become available we will update the website. Please re-check the information on the Schedule of Classes and the Honors site before you register to ensure that you’re up-to-date!
Please use our wide selection of dates to your advantage – plan on meeting with an advisor at a time that is most practical given your registration date. Students may discuss registration (and remove an advising hold, if applicable) by one of the following options:

  1. Attend an advising party:
    Friday, October 28th from 12 to 2 p.m. – pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom!
    Monday, October 31st from 2 to 4 p.m. – pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom!
    Wednesday, November 2nd from 11 to 1 p.m. – pizza in the Club Room on Foggy Bottom!
  2. Make an appointment with an advisor online at

Cross-Listed Courses
Some upper-level Honors courses are cross-listed with departmental course numbers. If an Honors course you want to take fills up, check to see if it’s cross-listed! You may still be able to enroll in the departmental section of the class. Just make sure to email Catherine or Mary to let them know so they can update DegreeMap, which won’t automatically give you Honors credit for the course.

October Small Group Advising

Freshmen, you all did an AMAZING job on four year plans. Congratulations! Now that that’s a wrap, it’s time to move on to the next advising beast: SPRING REGISTRATION! At October Small Group Meetings, we’ll answer burning questions such as:

  • What is spring registration going to be like?
  • How do I get rid of this registration hold on my account?
  • Should I stay with my current Origins/Science faculty member or switch things up?
  • Are college students still allowed to trick-or-treat?
  • [Insert your non-personal, generalizable question about basically anything here]

Please RSVP for a small group meeting here. Small group meetings are first-come, first-served and they’re small (duh), so don’t procrastinate! We’ll be holding meetings in the club room on Foggy on:

Friday, 10/14 9:30am
Friday, 10/14 10:30am
Friday, 10/14 2pm
Friday, 10/14 3pm
Monday, 10/17 4pm
Wednesday, 10/19 4pm
Thursday, 10/20 3pm

So SIGN UP NOW and we’ll see you next week! If the only meeting you can attend is full, please contact the UHP front office or email If you cannot attend any of the meeting times, please schedule a one-on-one appointment with Catherine or Mary here.