Senior Thesis Info Session

What’s a UHPer gotta do around here to finish their Honors senior requirements??
Come by the Club Room on Wednesday, March 8th at 6pm for an info session about Honors senior requirements. Professors Ralkowski and Trullinger will be on deck to talk about the ins and outs of writing a thesis and Catherine and Mary will be there to discuss all things UHP requirements. There will be lots of opportunities to ask questions and eat (captain) cookies.
Juniors are highly encouraged to attend! If you can’t make it to this info session, you can make an appointment with Catherine or Mary to talk senior reqs.

February Museum Tour with Catherine

Lapworth Missal, 1398

Join UHP Program Officer Catherine for an exploration of the history and treasures of one of the world’s oldest colleges with a personal tour of “500 Years of Treasures from Oxford” at the Folger Shakespeare Library. Corpus Christi College, one of the oldest colleges of Oxford University, is celebrating the 500th anniversary of its founding with an exhibition of its most beautiful, valuable volumes. The manuscripts and books reflect the humanist mission of the college: astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy. Texts include the oldest Ashkenazi prayer book, Galileo’s first observation of the moon with a telescope, and Newton’s notes on Halley’s comet.
Catherine earned her Bachelor’s in art history at Wheaton College, her Master’s in art history at the Institute of Fine Arts, NYU, and pursued further graduate work at Bryn Mawr.
Saturday, February 18, meet at the Honors Townhouse (714 21st Street NW) at 10am before hopping onto the metro to Capitol South.
To join the tour, contact Catherine directly at

Honors Upper Class Housing Community!

Living in Honors housing as a sophomore, junior, or senior is a great way to lock down your housing and roommates early, bask in the glow of other Honors students, secure a spot in a great residence hall, and avoid the potential hazards of living on a floor full of randos.
For the 2017-2018 academic year, we are pleased to offer a group of doubles on the seventh floor of District HousePlease note that different residence halls have different prices, you can find a list for housing rates here. Only sign up for housing with the UHP if you actually intend to live there.
Studio doubles are efficiency-style with a kitchen and bathroom.
Please note, the upperclass Honors housing community is an established Academic Residential Community (ARC). You do not need to apply for Affinity Housing to live in this community.
Applying for the Honors housing community requires 4 steps:

  1. Fill out the upperclass Honors Housing application by Friday, February 17.
    Through this Google Doc, you can request desired roommates. All roommates must be members of the Honors Program, and each roommate must fill this form out separately – no one can be signed up by proxy. UHPers can also sign up for housing individually and then be placed in a studio with another student that applied individually.
  2. Confirm roommate assignment via email.
    Applicants will be contacted by an Honors Program Officer by email to confirm roommate assignment.
  3. Receive email from GW Housing.
    GW Housing will reach out to you with instructions to complete the housing lottery, the date you will be able to sign up, and your RMS number for the application.
  4. Complete the general housing application.
    Once you have received your email from GW Housing, access GW Housing e-Services to complete the self check-in process.

The Dark Knight Movie Screening with Prof. Trullinger

Join Professor Trullinger on Friday, 2/10 at 7 PM in the Club Room for

Exceptionalism in The Dark Knight: The Movie Experience You Don’t Need but Definitely Deserve Right Now

Is it permissible to go outside the law to stop outlaws? This question runs throughout Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight, which portrays the character of Batman as grounded in the struggles of familiar reality: he faces a Gotham of political machinations, disaffected citizens, and corrupt cops. Into this mix comes the Joker, an agent of chaos whose unpredictable behavior sets up a clash of perspectives on the legitimacy of law and democracy in a time of crisis. Widely hailed as a thought-provoking allegory for America’s War on Terror, The Dark Knight stimulates questions as much as thrills, and we will host a discussion about the movie afterwards, in the light of a brief presentation of Carl Schmitt’s theory of exceptionalism. We supply the movie and snacks. You supply good company and thoughts.

RSVP here.

2017 SURE Award Deadline: February 10th

Did you know that Honors students have the exclusive opportunity to win up to $500 for their research? It’s true!  Apply to the UHP/Sigelman Undergraduate Research Enhancement Award (SURE) and we might just cut you a check.
We know “Undergraduate Research Enhancement” doesn’t sound that exciting (well, to most people at least, but you are UHPers), but what you can actually do with that money is amazing.  Some of last year’s winners used the funds to study youth activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, explore the culture of recycling in Buenos Aires, and present research findings at a national conference!
The application includes:

  1. Student Application Form,
  2. Faculty Support Form, and
  3. Unofficial GW Transcript (no transcripts from GWeb please!).

The possibilities are endless, but the deadline to apply for funds for spring or summer 2017 is Friday, February 10th.

Honors Contracts Due Friday, 2/3

a-cat-terms-of-ownership_o_4195725If you’re taking a contract course, make sure to get your Honors Contract complete.
How do you know if you need to complete an Honors Contract? If your spring plans include pursuing any of these things FOR CREDIT:

  • Internship,
  • Undergraduate Research,
  • Research Assistantship,
  • Senior Thesis (Not the same as Special Honors in your degree — that’s a different form found here)

Get the RTF-EZ here and the Contract Form here.  Don’t forget your proposal!
You’ve got until COB Friday, February 3rd.
Confused?  Make an appointment.

NEW Honors DegreeMap Petition

If Honors advising was the Guardians of the Galaxy, DegreeMap would be Rocket Raccoon – it’s not perfect and sometimes it makes mistakes, but it plays a necessary role and when it does its job well, it’s an essential tool for success.

Also, DegreeMap can be surprisingly tender when you least expect it.
Also, DegreeMap can be surprisingly tender when you least expect it.

If your Honors classes aren’t doing what they’re supposed to do in DegreeMap, please fill out the Honors DegreeMap Petition form. This is especially useful for Honors courses that have been approved to fulfill major requirements, which may not automatically populate in DegreeMap. Please submit one request per course and be patient with us, as the petition process can take several weeks. Please reach out to Catherine or Mary with any questions.

Apply to Be a Peer Advisor!

Honors Peer Advisors are an integral part of UHP advising, providing mentorship to new Honors students and providing a student perspective for the Honors community at large. They advise on honors experiences, classes, housing, and all the facets of life at GW as a Honors student.
Are you interested in applying to be an Honors Peer Advisor? Applications are now open!

  • Apply here if you’re applying as a new Honors Peer Advisors
  • Apply here if you’re applying as a returning Honors Peer Advisors
  • Apply here if you’re interested in a leadership positionwith the Honors Peer Advisors. Please note that leadership candidates should also fill out a regular application.

The application deadline is Monday, January 23. Please contact with questions regarding the application.

Tell Your Friends: Apply to the UHP!

Freshmen in their second semester at GW are invited to apply to join the Honors Program.  The deadline is January 27, 2017.
Students accepted will enter the program their sophomore year and jump-start with a specially designed course in fall 2017. If you’d like to be part of the University Honors Program, please apply!
If you’re already in the UHP — we know you’ve got friends that would be perfect for the UHP, so encourage them to apply!
More details below; find the application here.

Please come to an info session!
We’ll be holding information sessions for interested students to ask questions and hear from Honors advisors and current students! Join us on

  • Tuesday, January 17 at 5pm
  • Wednesday, January 18 at 5pm
  • Thursday, January 19 at 5pm

All sessions will be held in the Honors Program office at 714 21st Street NW. Just walk up the steps at the brick townhouse between Hall of Government and Lisner Auditorium.
When/where/how to apply?
Applications are available online.  Complete it and return it to the UHP Office at 714 21st Street NW by 5pm on January 27, 2017.
What are the requirements to apply?
The specific application materials are described in the application.  Second-semester freshmen with strong GPAs should apply — the UHP requires its students to maintain GPAs high enough so that it’s mathematically possible to graduate with a 3.4.  Please note that student schedules must allow for the student to take HONR 2016 Enlightenment East & West in fall 2017.
When are decisions announced?
We’ll notify applicants this semester, before registration in March.

Gingerbread House Decorating Party

It can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 drummers drumming.
It can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 drummers drumming.

Gingerbread House Decorating Party in the Townhouse

Thursday, December 15 from 1-4 PM

By December 15th, you’re going to be waist deep in finals and in desperate need of some stress-busting. Trade in those textbooks and laptops for sugar icing and gumdrop buttons! Or just come and eat a lot of candy and hang out with your friends. We’ll see you in the Club Room!