The Student-Faculty Dinner is Here!

A group of freshmen psyched about life (and egg rolls) at the fall 2016 Student-Faculty Dinner.

You may want to take a seat for this news….
Now stand up and start clapping because the student-faculty dinner is Thursday, May 4th, from 5pm-7pm at Chalin’s Restaurant!
This is the annual springtime celebration where Honors students, faculty, and staff come together to eat, talk, and have to celebrate the end of classes and refuel for finals.
Swing by the Townhouse to grab your $5 tickets for this all-you-can-eat extravaganza!

Honors Research Showcase

You are invited to celebrate the research of your peers at the University Honors Program Research Showcase!
Enjoy brief, casual talks and ask questions Friday, April 28th from 2pm to 5pm in the Club Room of the Honors Townhouse.  Let your fellow UHPers know how proud we are of their dedication and willingness to take a risk in order to contribute and disseminate original work as active scholars!

I don’t know how to put this, but they’re kind of a big deal.

And if you have research you’d like to present, let Catherine know by Monday, April 24th to be included in the program!

Honors Cords, Grad Reception, and the Senior Survey

If you’re graduating, have we got the survey for you! When you complete it, you can pick up your gold honor cord to wear at graduation.  You can also pick up your 5 tickets for the UHP Graduating Seniors reception between 5/8 and 5/18. I’m not saying we’re holding your cords and tickets hostage, but I’m also not not saying it.
Here’s what you need to know:
First, complete the senior survey. You can do this online starting today.  The survey is anonymous so that you can feel free to be honest, but we need to confirm that you’ve completed the survey. To do this, we will collect your childhood street name (think like a security question), which will be used to verify that you completed the survey.
Next, come pick up your golden cord and graduating senior reception tickets at the Foggy Bottom office staring Monday, May 8th.  You can continue to pick up your materials any time during regular business hours (9AM-5PM) after that up until the Thursday before graduation. We’ll check to make sure you’ve already completed the Senior Survey by asking your to confirm your childhood street name.
Finally, attend the  UHP Graduating seniors reception.  We’ll be in the City View Room at 1957 E Street from 5-7pm on Saturday, May 20th, 2017. Please note the reception will feature a cash bar and you will be able to pick up one drink ticket per guest when you check in at the reception. Graduates can also take part in the annual UHP tradition of signing our senior poster.
Note: CCAS students attending the Undergraduate Degree Programs Celebration #2 at 3:30 will have plenty of time to celebrate at both events!
We look forward to seeing you and your guests at the reception!

Spring Hike w. Prof. Ralkowski and TRAiLS

The UHP took on Old Rag in Spring 2016, too!

It’s that time of year, folks! The air is crisp and warm, the cherry blossoms are pretty much all dead, and finals are right around the corner. Spring has sprung! Celebrate the last week of classes with the UHP’s annual Old Rag hike! Prof. Ralkowski and TRAiLS will be taking a limited number of UHPers on this advanced hike on Saturday, April 29th.
To reserve your seat on the bus, you MUST fill out the TRAiLS registration form and bring your $5 payment to the UHP front office.
We’ll meet at the Townhouse at 8:30 to head over to the Shenandoah National Park together. Lunch will be provided, but make sure to check the packing list and bring things like water and a backpack! We’ll get back to campus around 8 PM.


NEW Honors GPA Requirement

The UHP is changing our GPA requirement. Currently, to be eligible to remain in the Honors Program, students must maintain the ability to graduate with a 3.4. Beginning this spring, students must be able to graduate with a 3.0. The freshman GPA requirement of a 3.0 will remain in place.

How many times have you heard from your faculty and advisors that “a B is a good grade”? The faculty of the UHP recently met to consider the curriculum and as part of that discussion decided to change our GPA requirement in an effort to better align our policies with our values. The faculty believed that the new standard might better enable students to experience course work with less stress about grades. The hope is that students will be better able to enjoy and learn from challenging assignments without an excess of GPA-induced fear!

Fall 2017 Registration Guide

GET EXCITED! It’s almost time to register!  But before you can register for next semester’s classes, you have some housekeeping to do.  Find out how to get your holds removed and where to find the best courses for you next semester.
Registration Schedule
***Tuesday, April 18: Honors Freshmen (Privileged Registration)***

April 19
90 or more hours (credits) earned
April 20
70 or more hours (credits) earned
April 24
50 or more hours (credits) earned
April 25
30 or more hours (credits) earned
April 26
0 or more hours (credits) earned

Registration is open from 7AM-12AM.
Sophomores, worried about registering without privileged registration? Read these Peer Advisor words of wisdom.
If you’re not sure when you register, you can check your earned credit hours in GWeb using the following path: Student Records & Registration Menu > Student Records Information Menu > Transcripts > View Unofficial Transcripts. Make sure you’re looking at overall hours earned for the accurate total!
Urgent Hold Information
Check your record via GWeb regarding holds prior to your scheduled registration time.  Any hold on your account will prevent access to registration. You can view any holds on your account by looking at: Student Records & Registration Menu > Student Records Information Menu > View Administrative Holds.
Make sure to check now and again in the days lead up to registration. Check early, and check often! BADLY TIMED HOLDS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE. DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU:

Fall Registration Advising

All honors students are encouraged to see a Honors Program Officer before registration. Make sure you are prepared with a tentative course schedule using the Fall 2017 Schedule of Classes and Honors course descriptions. As new course information and revisions become available we will update the website. Please re-check the information on the Schedule of Classes and the Honors site before you register to ensure that you’re up-to-date!
Please use our wide selection of dates to your advantage – plan on meeting with an advisor at a time that is most practical given your registration date. Students may discuss registration (and remove an advising hold, if applicable) by one of the following options:

  1. Attend an advising pizza party in the Honors Townhouse Club Room:
    Tuesday, April 11th from 12 to 2 p.m.
    Wednesday, April 12th from 4 to 6 p.m
    Thursday, April 13th from 4 to 6 p.m
  2. Make an appointment with an advisor online at

Intellectual Diversity in Academia Speaker Event

The UHP and the Politics and Values Program are cohosting Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz of Georgetown Law for a talk titled “Why We Need Intellectual Diversity in Academia.” Prof. Rosenkranz is a leading scholar of constitutional issues, a fellow at the Cato Institute, and a contributor to the Heterodox Academy project.
The talk will be held on Thursday, April 6th from 5-6 PM in Ames Hall B101 on the Mount Vernon Campus. It will be followed by a light reception. All members of the GW community are welcome.

UHP Senior Night at Tonic

Calling all UHP Seniors! The time is almost upon us – the countdown to commencement is just around the corner! Join us to “Kickoff the Countdown” with a UHP Senior Night at Tonic on Friday, April 21st from 5-7 PM. Heavy hors d’oeuvre (yes, we had to copy and paste that from Google) and 2 drink tickets will be provided, so make sure to bring your IDs. Meet us on the 3rd floor for this private event with faculty, staff, and the rest of the Class of 2017 Honors crew for one more walk down memory lane! RSVP here.

Get ready to get fancy.

Can’t join us on the 21st? Save the date for the UHP Commencement Reception on Saturday, May 20th from 5-7PM. Details to follow!

Spring Small Group Advising

Welcome back! Now that spring break is over and the finish line is in sight, it’s time for one last round of freshman small group advising! You missed us, we missed you; it just makes sense.
For this round of small groups, we’ll be prepping for fall 2017 registration (privileged registration is Tuesday, 4/18!), talking through your upper-level Honors requirements, walking through the major declaration process, and dancing through taking summer classes (because Catherine and Mary dance through life).
All first year Honors students are expected to attend a session so make sure to sign up soon to get your preferred time slot! Meetings start Friday, March 31st and will be held in the club room.

RSVP for spring small groups here.

Woody Allen Movie Screening with Prof. Ralkowski

More than 2,500 years ago, an ancient Greek inscribed the words, “Know Thyself” on the walls of Apollo’s temple at Delphi. What a fascinating imperative to receive from a god! What does it mean to have self-knowledge, and how can we attain it? Woody Allen’s film, Another Woman, addresses these ancient questions with a haunting story about a middle-aged woman who appears to have it all. She is married, successful, brilliant, and respected by most people in her life. But nothing is as it seems. Her life isn’t what she thought it was. How could this be? Come join us on Friday for pizza, popcorn, candy, and a fascinating movie that is also just a pleasure to watch. We will screen the movie and follow it up with a free-form conversation about many of the issues that it raises.
Join Professor Ralkowski in the Club Room on Friday, 3/3 at 6PM! RSVP here.