Senior thesis has got you down? Join the UHP Senior Thesis Working Group!
We will be meeting twice before the end of the semester with Dr. Eyal Aviv to talk out our challenges with senior thesis writing. All are welcome, whether you come for commiseration, troubleshooting, advice, feedback or just refreshments (especially designed to combat writers’ block and stress).
We will meet on Thursday 4/17 (Club Room) and Wednesday 4/23 (Basement) between 5-7PM at the Honors townhouse in Foggy Bottom.
Category: Extracurricular Opportunity
Apply to be an Honors Student Peer Advisor!
Student Peer Advisors (SPA) are dedicated to serving the UHP community by actively engaging with current and prospective UHP students, planning events, and representing the UHP as a whole. If you’re interested in helping others succeed and improving your Honors Program, apply now to become a SPA! SPA members help fellow students with course selection, time management and extracurriculars, four year planning, study abroad options as well as provide a student perspective of the UHP to prospective students and parents.
Interested? Apply now to become a Student Peer Advisor. The application deadline is March 3. For questions regarding the application, please contact Catherine Chandler at Decisions will be announced by March 21.
Alpha Kappa Psi [Student Org Profile]
This post is written by UHPer and SPA member Kaley Pomerantz.
What’s up UHP?! How’s your spring semester going? What’s the deal with this DC weather?? Ok, enough will the small talk- time to get down to business!
And of course my favorite way to get down to business is with ALPHA KAPPA PSI! Alpha Kappa Psi, also known as AKPsi is a professional co-ed business fraternity on campus! It is also the oldest and largest business fraternity in the world!!
AKPsi is open to ALL majors! In addition to Business, we have brothers in the GW chapter majoring in International Affairs, Political Communication, Public Health, and Engineering, just to name a few.
I rushed AKPsi in the spring semester of my freshman year and it was definitely one of the best decisions I’ve made at GW! I’ve made some of my best friends, had some extremely fun times, and grown immensely as a business professional.
What I love about AKPsi is the balance between professional and social activities. We hold numerous events and workshops with interesting speakers and insight on the professional world. For me, the best professional development has come from being a part of such a large network of successful individuals. I frequently get emails about job and internship leads (I heard about my current internship through an AKPsi email!). I also love talking to brothers about jobs/internships they’ve had and what their career aspirations are because it helps me figure out what I’m interested in. I know I can always count on my brothers if I need help with my resume, practicing for an interview, or simply figuring out the difference between Business Professional and Business Casual!
AKPsi is not only professional—we’re very social too! Some of our social events include going to National’s games, ice skating, and going to restaurants. We also include some fun similar aspects that regular Greek organizations have, such as Big/Little week and formals. Even when we’re just hanging out, I always have a good time with the bros!
If you’d like to learn more about AKPsi, or I’ve already convinced you that this is the student org for you, come to our Rush events over the next couple of weeks! The Rush schedule is posted below. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions (My email is! You can also check us out on Facebook.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with a fun fact! AKPsi is a co-ed organization, but since it was originally founded as a fraternity, all members are considered “brothers.” Man, do I love being a frat bro!
Campus Outreach [Student Org Profile]
Hello fellow Honors students! My name is Rebekah Johnson, and I am going to steal three minutes of that time you were going to spend constantly refreshing the new gwhonorsproblems tumblr waiting for a new post to tell you about my favorite student org on campus, GW Campus Outreach.
GW’s chapter of Campus Outreach is an evangelical Christian organization that aims to encourage students to consider their spiritual state and their relationship with God throughout their years at GW. College is a great time to explore the issues of faith and establish a firm foundation for yourself in the coming years.
You may have seen our flyers around campus- we like to host events answering relevant questions throughout the school year. Already, we’ve hosted speakers at events titled “Does Becoming a Christian mean the End of my Fun?” or “Can the Bible be Trusted?” (One of my personal favorites we hosted last year around election time discussed “Is Jesus Liberal or Conservative?”)
Guest speakers aren’t the core of our program, though- we have a lot of Bible studies throughout the week exploring major Biblical books and important topics in Christianity. One of my favorite passages that we’ve talked about is Romans 8. It reminds me that “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” and that I’m not bound by the law of sin and death anymore. Romans can be hard to understand, but Campus Outreach is great at giving you tools to interpret Scripture on your own.
If you want to get involved, email Lauren at to get on our listserv. When we all return for the Spring semester, we’ll also be resuming our weekly meeting in the Thurston Piano Lounge at 8pm every Tuesday. Come check us out!
Nominations for the Hertog Summer Fellowship Program
The Hertog Political Studies Program is currently accepting applications for Summer 2014.
The Hertog Political Studies Program offers exceptional students a unique learning experience focused on the serious study of politics. Students read fundamental texts in political thought with outstanding faculty from institutions throughout the country. They closely examine political leadership with prominent men and women who shape American public policy. The program takes place during the summer of 2014 in Washington, DC.
The deadline to apply is February 7th, 2014. More information of the program and application materials can be found at
Freshmen and Sophomores! Apply to US-UK SUMMER Fulbright Opportunity
Freshmen and sophomores! Consider applying for the prestigious US-UK Fulbright Summer Institutes. Participants in these programmes will get the opportunity to experience an exciting academic programme at a highly regarded UK University, explore the culture, heritage and history of the UK and develop their academic ability by improving presentation, research and communication skills.
The Fulbright Commission currently offers nine summer programs of varying lengths, studying a wide array of subjects, and at different points throughout the summer. (Check out the whole list here: Even better – Fulbright pays for your expenses of traveling there to study.
Applications are due: February 27 or March 6, 2014 depending on the Institute you choose to apply to.
Speaking as an alum of both the UHP and Fulbright Summer Institutes, I can honestly say that the experience of was incredible. I met students from across the United States, learned a ton about the subject of my institute (which was Defining Citizenship, no longer offered), and gained a diversity of experience that has informed my decisions going forward. If an institute fits into your academic interests and summer schedule, I would highly encourage you consider applying. If you have any questions, I’m still in the neighborhood and would be happy to discuss the program.
Camp Kesem: CK ALL DAY [Student Org Profile]
Welcome to a new column where UHPers can shine the spotlight on orgs they’re involved in at GW right here on the UHP blog! Want to get the word out about your org and tell the rest of the UHP why it’s awesome? Want to encourage others to get involved in your org? Email about writing a post!
Hello UHPers! My name is Shailly and I am one of Camp Kesem GW’s Volunteer Coordinators for the 2013-2014 year. For those of you who are unfamiliar with our organization, we hold a free one-week summer camp for the children of past and present cancer patients in the DC area. We began in 2007 with 10 campers and 12 counselors and have now grown to a goal of 100 campers and 50 counselors for the summer of 2014. Throughout the year, we hold fundraisers of varying sizes and types to help us raise enough funds for camp – this year our goal is to raise $75,000!
So why should you love camp? Check out this video to get a better idea of what an amazing week camp is! Our kids range from 6-18 years old, but all of them have grown up too fast dealing with the very serious topic of cancer. We provide a space for them to just act like kids and do crazy fun activities, like arts & crafts and messy games!
Camp is really like a big family (and I know how cliché that sounds, BUT IT’S SO TRUE). I joined my sophomore year and knew instantly that this group of absolutely eccentric and passionate people was going to be so fun to work with. Two years later, I’m close friends with just about everyone in camp, I’ve served as a camp counselor for two years, I’ve held two different E-board positions, and I’ve been a unit leader for the cutest of the cute (the 6-7 year olds, ahhhh BABIES).
This year, I’m reaching out to student organizations (maybe you’ve seen me at yours…) to find the best of the best to be counselors for the next year and to encourage everyone I know (and even random strangers) to apply! This organization has changed my life in so many ways and I know it is something that will stick with me forever. I just want to share the joy of camp with as many people as possible! We’ll also be holding some fun camp-y activities throughout the year for anyone to come hang out with us.
Counselor applications are available on our website as of SUNDAY, October 20th! All of our upcoming events are posted there as well. Come visit us at any of our counselor info sessions next week, OR at our reunion next Saturday, October 26th (yeah, we’re everywhere)!
Also, like us on Facebook to look at camp photos from the past year and to stay updated on all camp events! We’re also on Twitter, Instagram, and Shutterfly, sooo you really can’t escape us. :]
Any of you who know me, know camp is my life. I have enough CK clothing to wear only that everyday, and I regularly do. If you see me around, ASK ME ABOUT CAMP! I loveeeeeeeeee talking about it and I promise you won’t regret learning more.
Apply to be a Presidential Administrative Fellow!
Hey, UHP!
GW’s Presidential Administrative Fellowship is currently looking for qualified applicants. We’re looking for candidates who have a 3.25 GPA or above (…that’s all of you) and an interest in attending a GW graduate program and giving back to the University for the next two years!
In case you didn’t know, there are currently four UHP alums who are Fellows (we attached a photo to prove it). Because we know you’re smart and have already seen the dates and deadlines, we wanted to give you a bit more information about what the experience of being a PAF means to each of us.
We all really enjoy our experiences as PAFs, and would love to see more UHPers apply to be PAFs this year! If you’re interested, we would highly encourage you to attend one of the following info sessions, or get in touch with us personally:
Wednesday, October 2nd from 6:00 to 7:00 pm – Marvin Center 407
Friday, October 11th from 5:00 to 6:00 pm – Marvin Center 403
Keep on reading to hear about what it’s like to be a PAF straight from the Fellows’ mouths!

Hello UHPers! My name is Austin Frizzell and I graduated from the Honors Program in 2013 with a degree in Human Services. I am currently a Masters of Public Health candidate in the School of Public Health and Health Services. I am also placed in the Office of the Dean in the School of Public Health. The opportunity to earn a graduate degree is an essential part of the PAF experience and so far I have found that my UHP education has been very helpful, though sometimes in unexpected ways.
I am only a little more than a month into my MPH program, but I am already using my human genetics knowledge from Scientific Reasoning and Discovery in my class on the biological basis of public health. My Self and Society course on gender and sexuality is also proving useful in designing health interventions in Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health. And even though no professor has asked me to analyze Chuang Tzu or Nietzsche (yet), my Origins course on happiness still provides a more complex understanding of human desires and needs that are essential to health. Although it was sometimes difficult to see the uses of a broad liberal arts education like the one you receive in the Honors Program, it has certainly helped prepare me for graduate school.
… and I’m Adam Bethke, and I am a 2013 graduate of the University Honors Program. I am currently a first-year Presidential Administrative Fellow pursuing a Master’s of Public Administration, concentrating on program evaluation and analysis, placed in the university’s Division of Student Affairs.
Some of the most amazing opportunities that you have as a Presidential Administrative Fellow come from the program’s commitment to the fellows’ professional development. For example, PAF has an Academic and Professional Development Fund similar to the SURE award for Honors Students. This fund helps PAFs pursue academically and professionally enriching opportunities. For example, I’m currently in the process of applying to go to the American Evaluation Association’s annual conference in October to attend sessions on assessment and evaluation in higher education.
Additionally, Sara Melita, a member of the PAF Advising Team, is always helping us frame our experiences as professional development opportunities. These experiences compliment a competency-based professional development curriculum. With Sara’s guidance, we each cover a professional competency as part of the discussions during our weekly meetings. The intention and accountability that comes from working on enhancing your professional competencies with a cohort make it a lot of fun to strengthen your skill sets.
And no matter what you end up doing, good luck with your Senior year!
Adam, Allison, Austin, and Jess
Last Chance for Research Assistantship!
You could be doing important work on topics ranging from political interest groups to advanced biology. Be a research hero’s sidekick by partnering with a professor as a research assistant!
The deadline to apply to be a research assistant in spring 2014 is Friday, October 4th, 2013.
Check out the opportunities for spring 2014, and apply now!
Why would you want to be a research assistant? You get an opportunity to do advanced scholarly work, partnering with a research faculty member here at GWU. Pick a topic that’s interesting to you (or go out on a limb and try exploring something completely new!) Some research assistantships can even be completed for academic credit.
Honors Programming Board
Do you often find yourself flush with ideas to improve the social and intellectual life of students in the University Honors Program, but feel that you don’t have an appropriate outlet?
Curious about the Programming Board? Give us your name and email!
Fret no more, creative imagineers! The University Honors Program is piloting a Programming Board. Ideally it will serve as an advisory council, a thinker’s think tank of fun and creative activities, and a team to organize and execute the best of the ideas.
But for right now, we’re just looking for interest.
“Interest? I have that! I have that for this!” – If this sounds like you, then sign up on our “Official Form Declaring Interest in Further Information and Request for Invitation of Participation Regarding the University Honors Program Programming Board.”