Gingerbread House Decorating Party w/ the UHP

We'll never fit in here! Is this some kind of joke?!
We’ll never fit in here! Is this some kind of joke?!

Someday, the UHP offices will be housed in a gingerbread townhouse.  Until then, help us come up with the perfect model for our dream office space.   Or just come and eat a lot of candy and make gingerbread houses.

Gingerbread House Decorating Party
Thursday, December 12 from 2-5 PM
UHP townhouse in Foggy Bottom.

RSVP on Facebook so we get enough supplies!

The Famous Ape w/ Prof. Holly Dugan [Free Lunch]

Food for Thought with Prof. Holly Dugan

Lunch and discussion with Prof. Holly Dugan

Friday, December 6th 2013 @ 12pm
714 21st Street, UHP Club Room at the Foggy Bottom campus

“The Famous Ape”: Shakespeare, Theatre History, and simian performers

My title comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, which cryptically references a “famous ape” about which we know very little. My research focuses on this absence in the historical record about animal performers, particularly simian “actors” in the sixteenth century that were trained to mimic and perform human behavior. Here, I’ll present some of my archival research on these animals in order to open up broader questions about performance and animal/human boundaries, especially in relationship to more contemporary versions of Hamlet’s “famous ape,” (such as Crystal the capuchin, star of the Hangover: Part II and Night at the Museum).

We’ll provide lunch, you bring your questions! Seats are limited to 20 so sign up now.

Register Now

West Wing Marathon with Your SPA [Grassroots Event]

Feel like Toby when finals come around?
Take a few hours to de-stress before starting finals studying by joining SPA Fatema Ghasletwala for a West Wing marathon in the UHP Townhouse on December 5th from 6 pm – 8:30 pm. We won’t be drinking from the Keg of Glory, nor will we be munching on the finest muffins and bagels in all the land, but there will be popcorn (courtesy of Ginger, of course)!
RSVP to the Facebook event here.

Alan Dershowitz and Controversy [Profs on the Town]

This post is written by UHPer Jacob Pavlik about a recent Professors on the Town trip, where Honors students experience classroom topics come to life at events and locations all throughout DC.

Alan Dershowitz seen here on the cover of his book.
Alan Dershowitz seen here on the cover of his book.

Someone described as “Hopeful and wise” by President Bill Clinton yet “not very bright [and] opposed to civil liberties” by Noam Chomsky is bound to give a thrilling presentation.
I and thirteen of my comrades in Professor Christov’s Justice class attended the Alan Dershowitz discussion sponsored by Politics and Prose. People disagree quite strongly about this man who has been called “astonishingly brilliant,” “evil,” “deranged,” “deeply thoughtful,” “a war criminal,” and “a sober and pragmatic voice for peace.” There is a lot of noise surrounding his activities, and listening to his conversation with President Emeritus Trachtenberg clarified how one person can garner such a bifurcated reputation.
We learned that he was the student we Honors kids were tutored to no avail in high school. GW would not have even read his application, let alone admit him (especially in light of recent need-aware revelations… Bazinga!) I find it comforting to know that grades do not determine success, but as I’m sure Catherine would chime in, “They do help sweetie, cuz duh.”
Mr. Dershowitz is a man with strong opinions about controversial issues. Hence the descriptions: evil, deranged, and a war criminal. I hope no one avoids taking controversial stances because one is afraid they will be called names. This “Professor on the Town” was great because we got to listen to a brilliant man with unabashed opinions on touchy subjects. He does not apologize because some of us disagree with him. That is the confidence that turns a C and D student into a lawyer. Hopefully our next seven semesters will give us half the confidence he has.

Student-Faculty Dinner [So Much Chinese Food]

Winter Student Faculty Dinner, 2012
Winter Student Faculty Dinner, 2012

You may want to take a seat for this news….
Now stand up and start clapping because the student-faculty dinner is December 10th, from 5pm-7pm at Chalin’s Restaurant!
This is the annual wintertime celebration where Honors students, faculty, and staff come together to eat, talk, and have fun before wrapping up the semester.
If you plan to attend this all-you-care-to-eat event, make sure to pick up a $5 student ticket at the UHP offices starting Wednesday, 11/20/13.  You can RSVP on Facebook right now, but you’ll still need a ticket to get in.
This year, we have a special request — it gets pretty crowded right at 5pm, so try staggering your arrival time over the full two hours (though we don’t recommend coming past 6:30pm)

GW Troubadours Winter Concert [Recommended Event]

1460121_10151717443711428_16610555_nReasons to come:

1. Our angelic voices

2. Several UHPers will be singing their hearts out


Join the Troubs for an evening of love, laughs, and a cappella at our annual WINTER CONCERT! We’ll be debuting some brand new arrangements, singing some fan favorites, and performing tracks off of our newest album, STUDIO 226!
The GW Philippine Cultural Society will be tabling to raise funds for typhoon relief efforts; donations will be greatly appreciated.
Doors open at 6:30, come by early to enjoy our complimentary sundae station! (Sponsored by the GW Student Dining Board.)
Is it on Facebook? YES.

Romeo and Juliet [Profs on the Town]

This post is written by UHPer Alex Jeffery about a recent Professors on the Town trip, where Honors students experience classroom topics come to life at events and locations all throughout DC.

Prof. Christov's Origins section at the theater.
Prof. Christov’s Origins section at the theater.

For our Professor on the Town event, our Origins class decided to go to a performance of Romeo and Juliet at the Folger Theater. We embarked on our journey from the Foggy Bottom metro stop, and then walked to the theater and watched the performance.
It was a wonderful interpretation of the play, as the lines stayed the same but the costumes were updated and more modern. The set was great, and the acting was truly unbelievable. However, the best part of the evening was the bonding that occurred between our class and the professors. We were all laughing and talking the whole way to and from the event. Everyone is getting so comfortable with each other, and we all truly value the friendship of everyone else. Professor Christov is a wonderful man who is constantly extending himself, and who was great fun to be around during the entire trip.  All in all it was an awesome trip, and our class truly appreciated being able to do something like that outside of class!

University Singers and Chamber Choir: The Voice of David, Psalm Settings Over the Centuries

Push off your Honors homework (editor’s note: don’t really not do homework) and come get your choral on!
IT’S FREE and several UHPers will be there!
When: This Sunday, November 17th at 4:00pm
Where: Western Presbyterian Church, 2401 Virginia Avenue NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20037
What: Featuring the music of Leonard Bernstein, Johann Sebastian Bach, Lili Boulanger, Bobby McFerrin and more…
Check it out on Facebook.

How To: Request a Recommendation [Event]

Slide1Ever needed a letter of recommendation from a professor but didn’t know how to ask them to write one?  A well written letter can go a long way, so you should put careful consideration into your request.  Find out more on Wednesday, 11/13 in Gelman B02 at 7pm!