Honors Community Dinner

gwired.gwuThe University Honors Program is hosting a community dinner on Monday, February 3rd from 5-7pm in Post Hall on the Mt. Vernon Campus.  All members of the Honors community are invited to gather together in the wake of our recent loss for an Honors community dinner. Honors students who live at the Mt. Vernon Campus, in Foggy Bottom, or off campus are all welcome.
Tickets are free, but space is limited, so members of the University Honors Program should register for the event.

3 Things That Make This an Awesome UHP Week

1) Student-Faculty Dinner (Holiday Party)

Tuesday, December 10th, 5-7pm at Chalin’s Restaurant
All-you-care-to-eat Chinese food for only $5?  There’s a question you shouldn’t need to study for to figure out. Get your ticket at any UHP office before the event, and enjoy this fun tradition with other UHPers, faculty, and staff.

2) Gingerbread House Decorating Party

Thursday, December 12th, 2-5pm in the Foggy Bottom Townhouse (714 21st St NW) – Facebook Event
Because if you don’t build them, then where are all the gingerbread men and women going to live?  HAVE  A HEART. HAVE SOME COMPASSION.  AND HAVE SOME CANDY, BECAUSE WE WILL HAVE CANDY.

Fun fact: we play a fireplace video on the TV — it’s that kind of party.  Feel free to wear your ugliest sweater.

3) Study Hours in Foggy Bottom Townhouse

Lots of times this week.
Don’t get distracted with endless procasti-cleaning, roommates, or mortal combat for space in Gelman.  Study in the UHP townhouse in Foggy Bottom.  We have all the brainfood you need (Chocolate covered peanutbutter filled pretzels, you guys.  ChoCoPeBu pretzels. So good.) Come on in during extended study hours and get your cramming on!

Limited FREE tickets for two concerts available

Europe Composer

A leading Slovenian composer will hold two concerts this week:
Thursday, 12/12/13 at 7:30pm – Phillips Collection at 1600 21st Street, NW


Friday, 12/13/13  at 2:30pm – 801 22nd Street, NW – B-120
(Food will be served!)

If you are interested in attending either of these concerts for FREE, send an email with your first and last name to Prof. Theo Christov at christov@gwu.edu.

Grassroots Event: ZooLights!

Shiny lights! Animals! Holiday Spirit! What more could you want????

Join your SPA, Rauvin and Rachel, for a trip to ZooLights at the National Zoo.
More information about the event can be found here.
So take a break from dealing with #honorsproblems and studying. And meet us at the Foggy Bottom metro at 6:30 on December 12th (Thursday) for some holiday cheer!
It is going to be festival of light and joy that you won’t want to miss.
All honors students are welcome to join us!
Rauvin and Rachel

Get Your Tickets for All-You-Can-Eat Fun!

68886_10151299732316726_1786095036_nThe student-faculty dinner is December 10th, from 5pm-7pm at Chalin’s Restaurant!
This is the annual wintertime celebration where Honors students, faculty, and staff come together to eat, talk, and have fun before wrapping up the semester.
Make sure to pick up a $5 student ticket at the UHP offices. You can RSVP on Facebook right now,but you’ll still need a ticket to get in.
This year, we have a special request — it gets pretty crowded right at 5pm, so try staggering your arrival time over the full two hours (though we don’t recommend coming past 6:30pm)

Two Science Open House Events!

A Science Open House is your opportunity to see what other UHPers have been doing in their science courses and enjoy some tasty finger foods too. (Sometimes, there are even tiny sandwiches.)  But mostly, the science.  You should come for the science. It’s a poster session… with little tiny food items.
Stop in any time during these poster sessions and bring friends!
Thursday  12/5, 3pm-4:30pm in the UHP Club Room (Foggy Bottom, 714 21st St NW)
Prof. Houston Miller’s Capital Climate Initiative students show off their work on bringing climate change awareness to the GW campus.
Friday 12/6, 3:45pm-4:45pm in the UHP Club Room (Foggy Bottom, 714 21st St NW)
Prof. Bethany Cobb Kung’s Science: The Process in Practice presents a poster session: Are you curious about how stress affects performance, if your cell phone usage is linked to your personality, if paper towel strength depends on cost, or if green tea extract can boost your endurance? The results of this research, conducted by Honors students, will be presented at this poster session. Come vote for your favorite poster!

Study Hours in the UHP

It’s a magical time of year.  As soon as classes end, study hours open up in the UHP office in Foggy Bottom!
No fighting for space in Gelman or dealing with crazy roommates for you. You’ve got the UHP townhouse.  And the UHP townhouse has candy. And fruit. And hot chocolate. And coffee. Oh my! That’s all the brain food you’ll need to power you through this finals season.
ALL Honors students are welcome to use the townhouse for studying and snacking.
Check out the extended hours below:
Friday, 12/6 — 5-10pm
Saturday, 12/7 — 12-10pm
Sunday, 12/8 — 12-10 pm
Monday, 12/9 — 9am-10pm
Tuesday, 12/10 — 9am-5pm;  7-10pm (Closed for Student-Faculty Dinner)
Wednesday, 12/11–  9am-10pm
Thursday, 12/12 9am-1pm; 5pm-10pm (Closed for Gingerbread Decorating Party)
Friday, 12/13 11:00am-10:00pm
Saturday, 12/14; Sunday 12/15 12pm-10pm (TENTATIVE!)
Dates for the rest of finals are tentative, and will be based on demand!

Micro-Financing at GW: Oikocredit Guest Lecture Invitation

Guest Lecture with Micro-Financing Professional
Marvin Center 301
Wed 12/4 from 7:00-8:30pm
Hello fellow honors students! Interested in finance, international development, entrepreneurship, and/or small businesses? We thought so, and thus wanted to send a special invitation to the Honors Community. We’d love for you to join us for a lecture and Q&A session with the Business Development Coordinator of Oikocredit, Leah Gage. She will be discussing the mission and role that Oikocredit has in the micro financing world. It’s a great opportunity to learn about an incredible micro financing organization based here in DC as well as learn more about what our organization, Micro-Financing at GW, has been up to. Come listen, discuss, and network with fellow micro-financing enthusiasts. Oh, and if you’re not convinced yet, FREE HOT COCOA AND DESSERT WILL BE SERVED : ) Join the facebook event to let us know you’re coming:Oikocredit Lecture Facebook Event

Generican? The Plights of A Student Theatre Kid

This guest post is written by Hunter Scott, Marissa Price and Stephanie Anderson, Honors students in GW’s Generic Theatre Company.
1455165_714157691936408_23206108_nHello UHPers! Here’s a smart person question: How do you pronounce “Generican?” That’s who we are – Marissa Price, Hunter Scott, and Steph Anderson – UHPers that have all found a home at GW within Generic Theatre Company. However, we still get a little confused sometimes about what to call ourselves: “Gener-I-can?” “Gen-ER-ican?” Or, “Genericite,” the poor oft-ignored version, probably because it sounds like a tiny parasitic insect? (The consensus is on the second option so far).
Anyways, Generic, founded in 1985, is GW’s oldest student theatre company. Marissa is this year’s Co-Executive Producer, Hunter is Co-Artistic Director, and Steph is Assistant Technical Director. We put on 2-4 shows per semester, plus the all-freshman-acted-and-teched Freshman Showcase in fall and 24-Hour Play in spring. As a company, we tend to produce darker shows that are intellectual and often very new – even student written! Of course, these trends aren’t rules, and we also decide shows based on themes that we organically derive from the directing proposals we receive each semester. That’s why we’re writing this now: we are super excited about our theme of “Strong Women” for this season, and its final show, I Am My Own Wife!
For our season this semester, we received a number of very strong proposals, and ultimately chose The Diary of Anne Frank, directed by Rachel Bell, Steel Magnolias, directed by Henry Morillo, and I Am My Own Wife, directed by Max Young-Jones. Anne Frank is of course incredibly famous, and many of you are probably familiar with Steel Magnolias, a 1980’s dramedy about six women in a Louisiana hair salon and their support of each other through life’s twists and turns. I Am My Own Wife is about a transgender woman, Charlotte, who survives through Nazi and Soviet regimes with a furniture museum and gay club in her basement in East Berlin. The show is acted entirely by one person, who plays almost 40 different characters from around the world. Anne Frank and Steel Magnolias have already gone up very successfully, but I Am My Own Wife is going up this weekend, on Thursday the 5th at 7pm, and Friday and Saturday at 8pm, in the Lisner Downstage!
We chose these shows because they all showcase very strong women – though in a way that emphasizes how non-universal the characteristics of strong women are. There are no stereotypes in our season: each protagonist is strong in her own completely unique and powerful way. We hope that the UHP can come and enjoy Charlotte’s own unique strength this weekend with us three and the rest of Generic.
If you enjoy the show, come audition for our shows next semester, and become a “Generican” yourself! BTW – if you figure out how to pronounce it, let us know.