[SPA Event] Intro to Advising on the Vern!

Calling all Honors freshmen!
Do need advice about some aspect of life here at GW? Do you need help figuring out if you should spend a semester abroad, or deciding between five possible different majors (and three minors), or wondering how to score a sweet internship or research assistantship? Or do you just wanna chill with some UHPers?
Then join your SPA for some lively conversation and free food at our Intro to Advising event this Wednesday, October 9th. The event will be held on the Vern in West Hall, room B215, from 7-8pm. SPA will be there to advise you about studying abroad, writing your four-year plan, getting involved on campus, research and internships, choosing a major, and more!
Did we mention there will be food?
So join us next Wednesday and let your SPA drop some serious knowledge on you.