New One Credit Course – Research in Science!

Looking for one more credit to round out your fall schedule? Think iPhones and Google Glass are the bee’s knees? Wondering if bees really DO have knees?

Well look no further than the new one credit course being offered by CCAS this fall. Fridays from 2:30-3:20, some of GW’s best physics, math, and other STEM professors will offer a course on “Research in Science.”
In this course, students will develop an appreciation for research by analyzing and discussing models of creativity and innovation, learning to write scientific-style articles, learning about research programs at GW and the larger research community, gaining scientific literature search skills, and writing their own proposals for summer projects with research groups at GW and elsewhere. This course is primarily for freshmen and selected sophomores who have the aptitude, curiosity, and motivation to explore the nature of science and scientific research. The co-requisite for the course is enrollment in at least one introductory STEM course.
Students in RIS learn about great ideas and discoveries in science from selected readings and class discussions. Readings will come from The Discoveries and selected articles from sources such as Scientific American, Physics Today, and The New York Times Science sections. Students will be encouraged to attend seminars by researchers in the DC area at places like NASA, the Smithsonian, and local universities.

Science! She did it, and so can you!
Science! She did it, and so can you!

Research in Science
CCAS 2190:11
Professor Gerry Feldman
Monroe Hall B33
Friday 2:30-3:20
CRN: 57318