Hey UHPers!
Mark your calendars for this Monday, December 3rd from 7-9pm in the UHP Townhouse on Foggy Bottom because the UHP SPA is hosting an end-of-the-semester event that will feature pizza (free food!), candy (sugar to power through those research papers!), and – wait for it – CHAIR MASSAGES! This event is open to all UHP students and we cannot wait to see you there. Swing by early to make sure you can grab some pizza, hang out with your favorite SPA, and sign up for a free chair massage.
And for our SPA: Remember that you’re required to sign up for ONE SHIFT during the event. Here’s the googledoc just in case you forgot: https://docs.google.com/a/email.gwu.edu/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhTQp-cMmY6IdFYxMzdYMGd2RWlKblVuSmk0QU1Jbmc
See you all on Monday!