The Reception of Emer Vattel’s Works in Modern International Relations and International Law – [Research Assistantship]

Professor: Theo Christov

Department: History

Title: The Reception of Emer Vattel’s Works in Modern International Relations
and International Law

Description: The goal for this project is to trace the influence of the 18th
century political thinker Emer Vattel on the development of international
relations and international law in the 20th century. Particular attention
will be paid on the following questions: the idea of a just war, birthright
citizenship, diplomatic exchange, and the law of nations. For anyone
interested in the history of political thought and ideas, or the development
of international law and international relations in the 20th century, this
project would be ideal. the ultimate goal is to assist with writing an
article (for an edited volume under contract with Cambridge University

Duties: The role of the research assistant will be to compile a list of
sources, primarily articles and book chapters on the topic, before providing
a brief summary of each. The use of analytical skills to distill through
various sources of information and systematize themes of Vattel’s influence
on the conduct of international relations.

Time commitment: 4-6 hours per week (average)

Credit hour option*: 2

Number of openings: 1

Submit Cover Letter/Resume to:

*If credit is sought, all registration deadlines and requirements must be
met.  Students selected to be research assistants should contact Brianna
Crayton ( whether they intend to pursue credit or not.