Honors cords, reception, and graduation!

If you’re graduating, have we got the survey for you! When you complete it, you can pick up your gold honor cord to wear at graduation.  You can also pick up your 5 tickets for the UHP Graduating Seniors reception until 5/15. I’m not saying we’re holding your cords and tickets hostage, but I’m also not not saying it.

Here’s what you need to know:

First, complete the senior survey. You can do this online.  The survey is anonymous so that you can feel free to be honest, but we need to confirm that you’ve completed the survey. To do this, we will collect your childhood street name and high school mascot (think like a security question), which will be used to verify that you completed the survey.

Next, come pick up your golden cord and graduating senior reception tickets at the Foggy Bottom office staring Monday, April 22nd.  You can continue to pick up your materials any time during regular business hours (9AM-5PM) after that up until the Friday, May 3rd. We’ll check to make sure you’ve already completed the Senior Survey by asking your to confirm your childhood street name and high school mascot.

Finally, attend the  UHP Graduating seniors reception.  We’ll be in the City View Room at 1957 E Street from 5-7pm on Saturday, May 18th, 2019. Please note the reception will feature a cash bar. Graduates can also take part in the annual UHP tradition of signing our senior poster.