The following blog post was written by Peer Advisor Mel, a senior majoring in political science and double minoring in international affairs and Chinese.
It’s that time of year again. Campus is vibrant with life. Everyone is back and ready to start fresh in the new school year. The sun is out and Kogan is packed with people. As a senior, this is my fourth and final time coming to campus in the fall. With mixed emotions of excitement, nervousness, and a hint of nostalgia, I have been trying to get myself back into the groove of school, all while dealing with that post-summer drag. Every year it takes me about two to three weeks to fully get back into work mode. Freshman year, I was ready to go. But the last few years it’s taken me longer and longer to change my mindset back into focus.
My biggest piece of advice for getting past this bump would be to try something new to get you excited. Sign up for a new club. Try a new class or LSPA that you’ve been just dying to take (even though it doesn’t necessarily count for your major). Pick a new restaurant to go to every weekend with friends. The little things can really help us get excited to be back at school, regardless of the workload that’s coming or stress that we might be feeling being back on campus. This semester I decided that I would try to reconnect with some old friends that I’ve lost touch with because of a myriad of excuses that kept popping up over the years. The busyness of the beginning of the semester seems daunting to everyone at times but adding in things that you’ll look forward to will undoubtedly make your schedule more manageable and more enjoyable.
At GW, the pressure we put on ourselves to get good grades and to be involved in every club and activity can make planning the semester one of the most stressful times of year. Just know that you’re not alone and we’re all getting back into the school routine together. After three years here, I have learned time and time again that even if someone seems like they have it all together, they are probably just as nervous as you. We’re all in the same boat, and within a few weeks, we’ll all be back in the swing of things together again.