"Ex Machina" Film Screening w/ Prof. Aviv

Join Professor Aviv on Friday, 10/27 at 7 PM in the Club Room for a screening of Ex Machina followed by a brief discussion, titled:
Personhood and Artificial Intelligence in Ex Machina
Should we have moral obligations toward artificial intelligent humanoids? Progress in AI is already so advanced that some, like Stephen Hawking, warn that “the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” As the models we build become more and more like us, should we consider them persons? Do they have rights? These question and others animated the 2015 thrilling sci-fi Ex Machina directed by Alex Garland. The movie tells the story of Caleb Smith, a programmer in a software company who wins a contest to spend a week in a secluded resort working with the company CEO, Nathan Bateman. Nathan builds a humanoid robot named Ava and Caleb’s job is to find out whether the robot is capable of thoughts and consciousness. Nathan is also interested in whether Caleb can relate to Ava as a person. Sounds easy, but turns out that playing God is not that simple. Things get out of hand pretty quickly. After the movie we will have a discussion and snacks. Only humans this time, no robots are invited!
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