Professor: Joseph Trullinger
Department: Honors and Philosophy
Title: Moral Theology in Kant and Others
Description: I am thinking of writing a book that will explore Kant’s philosophy of “moral religion,” with a chapter that sets it alongside liberation theology, so as to reveal some parallels between the two that have
gone unnoticed by Kant scholars on the one hand and liberation theologians on the other. I know Kant scholarship fairly well, and the majority of the book would be about Kant, but I need to supplement my knowledge of liberation theology by reading more books and articles in it. To that end, I need to gather together materials on that (especially by Black and Latin American theologians), and see points of contact and divergence between how they conceive of the relationship between morality and religion, and critical
social thought.
Duties: I need a research assistant to canvass secondary literature relevant to liberation theology (and, where relevant, its opinions of Kant), and then synopsize the relevance of those books and articles to my research project by building a substantive annotated bibliography. The RA would meet with me periodically to report and discuss their findings. As time progresses, the student should recommend certain ways of categorizing the secondary literature, in response to our discussions about the research project.
Time commitment: 4-6 hours per week (average)
Credit hour option*: 0
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*If credit is sought, all registration deadlines and requirements must be met. Students selected to be research assistants should contact Catherine Chandler at whether they intend to pursue credit or not.