Literature of the Americas [Research Assistantship]

Department: English
Professor David Mitchell
Project Description: This course uses influential U.S. minority fictions in order to retrieve lost histories of those populations enslaved, endentured, and exterminated as part of the settlement of the United States after 1492. An Honors assistant would help to research, collect, collate, and prepare for digital viewing key images, maps, visual/audio artifacts to help bring these materials to life. This will also assist the professor in the ongoing preparations of a book on the topic. Minority communities represented include: African American, Asian American, Mayan/Aztec, Native American, Latino/a, disabled and queer lives.
Duties: Assistant will work closely with the instructor to prepare materials particular to the teaching and research of the following works throughout the fall: “The Conquest of New Spain”, “Ceremony” by Leslie Marmon Silko, “Hawaii” by James Michener, “China Men” by Maxine Hong Kingston, “An Atlas of the Difficult World” by Adrienne Rich. The materials gathered regarding the settlement of Hawaii and Asian diaspora to Hawaii in the 19th century will also serve to begin drawing together materials for a new study abroad class on Hawaii history, culture, and literature. Skill in preparing powerpoint, video projection, and presentations are necessary.
Time Commitment/Credits: 7-9 hours per week; 3 credits
To Apply: Submit resume and cover letter to