Go to Greece this Summer with Prof. Ralkowski!

Looking to see the world a little bit this summer? We’ve got you covered. Professor Ralkowski will be teaching an incredible short-term study abroad course that will take you on the adventure of a lifetime. “Ancient Greece and the Origins of Western Thought” presents the opportunity to study ancient Greek philosophy in Athens and the Peloponnese. The trip includes visits to the Oracle at Delphi that pronounced Socrates the wisest human being as well as to the jail cell where the Athenians forced him to drink hemlock. This exciting program will introduce you to ancient Greek philosophy and take you to some of the places where the history of philosophy began!
And, lucky for you, it’s an Honors course. “Ancient Greece and the Origins of Western Thought” will be taught under the course number HONR 2054W, so you’ll be able to knock out a requirement or two while you enjoy this rich experience.
Interested? Good. Come to the Townhouse this Friday, March 4th at 4:00 pm for refreshments and additional information about the class.

Check out the flyer for more info, and feel free to e-mail Dr. Ralkowski at mralkow@gwu.edu with any questions!