Make policy change this semester: Join the Roosevelt Institute @ GW!

Until economic and social rules work for all, they’re not working. Join the Roosevelt Institute @ GW, the only student think-and-act tank on campus, to learn how to effectively channel your enthusiasm to create policy change. Get involved this semester as we launch six advocacy campaigns, fireside chats on engaging topics, and workshops on how to become effective policy organizers.
Our introductory meetings are as follows:
– January 19 | 8:00pm | Phillips 110
– January 20th | 8:00pm | Rome 201
We will continue to meet afterwards weekly on Mondays at 8pm in Funger 223.
RI@GW is a part of a national network of over 10,000 emerging leaders actively engaging on college campuses and in communities to re-imagine and re-write the rules. As a member, you’ll learn about different policy issues, find out how to write a policy, help lobby for it, and grow your skills and network.
Your voice matters — and we want to help you use it for change. Find out more about us at!